2006 Chevy Tahoe 206k $5k firmUPDATE!!!Engine not bad see post 42

just scored this vehicle at the Niagara county auction and before I ship it down to Florida(2wd’s sell much better down there) I thought I’d throw it up here.It is a white on Gray cloth ex-Sherriff vehicle.Truck is pretty clean but supposedly has a motor noise.I don’t know what the noise is yet but worse case scenario a newer 5.3 with installation would be less then $1k all day long.
KBB private party in Fair condition is $11k.Hell you’ll probably get much more then what I’m asking if you just trade it in plus the sales tax.
Pics will be up Tuesday.Might consider a trade but would really have to be worth it on my side.

god damn, did they drive it 3 shifts a day non stop?

No the chief’s grandma drove it to bingo and she realllllllllllllllllllly loved to play!!!

pics pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

tuuuuuueeeeeeeeeessssssssddddddaaaaaaayyyyyyy lol


Even if they bought this in late 2005, that’s still 161 Miles a day.


why not mooooonnnnnnnnnndddddaaaaaaayyyyyy

these things seem to be pretty hard to come by, do you see alot of law enforcement tahoes for auction? I’ve always wanted one but can never seem to find em

I sent ya an email through here and if you send me one through my regular server I can send ya what pics I have.
If they bought it July 1st of 05 and drove it until July 1st of 09 It would still be 140 miles a day lol.I didn’t even figure it out like that at first but that is some drive time.On the other hand it is only 47 miles a shift which isn’t too bad

Was it stationed 23 miles from the nearest Tim Hortons by any chance?

wow, at that price it’s more economical than a 2006 honda civic.

I know with wifey’s 07 I can get 20mpg if I don’t take it over 2500 rpm and let off before stops.This is a 2wd and I assume a little lighter as well.
Will trade for silver too lol

Dont forget to tell them that it will be professionally detailed also lol.

I wouldn’t call myself a professional but thanks for the vote of confidence!!!

hahaha yah right, get that shit over to me so i can make da money

ehhh, idk how much it will be needing it, it looks pretty good.

As per my amigo requested





Their is a good chance that the transmission was already replaced at some point by the PD that had it.So i don’t think the trans would have 206K on it.My Impala had its tranny replaced @ 80K by the PD who owned it.

The motor however is most likely stock and is getting tired.So replacing it would be a safe bet anyway,esp @ 206K miles.

The suspention on these pursuit Tahoes are pretty stout and can take a hammering quite well.Most of these Police Tahoes only see smooth pavement anyway.

They come stock with a Posi rear and 3.73 gears,so they really get up and go!

[QUOTE=Treads4Heads;1427223]ehhh, idk how much it will be needing it, it looks pretty good.

As per my amigo requested

uhh, it needs it lol. look at all the decal crap.

^^^^^^hey shut up prick!lol and thanks for adding the pics Jon

lol I just looked at the full sized pics, Keep the baller sheriff gunk on the back so people know your srs bsns

oh now im a prick? u can detail your own $2k truck…oops, i meant $5k.