I’m getting some new mods over Christmas break here. I’m finally doing the whole exhaust thing. Going with a clear image auto 4-1 mid length header with 1.75" primaries going to a Stainless steel 3" catless downpipe. This will connect into a cobalt 3" Hahn Racecraft catback lengthened to fit an Ion. Connected into the header will be an Autometer EGT gauge (unless people recommend a different one). Then I will check my IDC% and probably have to bump up to 60# injectors. Also I will be hooking up my water meth injection kit from AEM. Once that is done I will probably be wanting to add a bit more boost and drop to a 2.8" or 2.7" pulley. Depending then on my IAT2 numbers I will then probably take a dremel to the s/c and do some port work. Hoping for around 280whp. Last time I dyno’d I had 245whp on a 2.9" with the stage II tune and stock exhaust. I think with a good tune and these mods on the same dyno 280whp could be achieved. Tell me what you guys think.
Lets see some pics.
What dyno are you useing? I have a lift and a dyno, If you want to add 1 thing at a time and see the difference. I will hook you up!
i usually go to hybrid’s dyno. but ya sorry for no pics lemme find some.
I need a better camera and some new pics. These are kinda old now.
i would be pretty interested in possibly hitting up a dyno and getting some before and after things dyno’s. And to lock in the tune. Especially since its soo cold out, tuning on the street is basically on hold till spring.
becareful if you dont know what your doing with the SC, i have seen too many people screw up the outlets
i recommend the Flap wheels in the 80 and the 120 grit, that i what i used on my Gen V
i’ve been thinkin that if i do a port job i should just send it out and get it done right
In all honesty … Thats your best bet
ya it will be a lil more expensive but at least it will be done safely and probably make more power that way.
Hey fran we gotta get your car cleaned up and take some new pictures.
Send it to Steigmeier.
^^^ x2
all that for 280hp? just doesnt seem worth it to me? :dunno:
ya well it happens. I could have over 300 with those mods, but with it being s/c’d it puts alot of stress on the stock pistons. I’m not looking to upgrade those just yet so I’m gonnna knock down the timing a bit a run a lil rich to keep things on the safe side.
Aint that the truth man. It needs cleaned for sure, and some new pics will def be getting done then.
also u need to remember that the stock eaton is not very efficient over 16-17psi, and the stock cylinder head becomes a restriction at around 275. But these numbers would still make it respectable car, and “should” beat most K04 swapped vw’s . Now for me to get big numbers I would need to throw a new sc on there and a ported head, and some forged pistons, then I would be easy mid to upper 300’s which is alot on a fwd s/c’d car. Instant boost with that be fun to drive, but I would need new tires alot haha.
sup fran, its garrett. one piece of advice for you: do not take a dremel to your supercharger… please
trust me i’m not going to haha. I heard some horror stories about that lately.
well I dont have the audi anymore, but im just sayin why not take the money your putting into a saturn and go buy a car thats 300hp out of the box? different strokes for different folks i suppose.
its called college haha. dont have the money to buy a better car or extra car, and don’t have the time to build something from the ground up. So until I can afford an STi, Evo or something else, I’m just gonna keep putting time and different parts on what I got. Plus its fun, quick, and I like it and in the end isn’t that all that matters? THat we enjoy what we drive and have fun working on it?
I think if someone decides to build a car its cool. Not all cars have the same money to hp ratio. Im sick of people like myself choosing the commonly modified cars like dsms and f bodys and stangs.
thank ya sir. There aren’t alot of IRL’s out there and I like it and just wanna finish doin the boltons. if i get amibitious from there so be it.
<— ported own m90. not hard just do your research and don’t try anything new