2006 Ion Redline


your gay


gombos come help me tig FUC

Dyno whaaaaatttt

you guys are wierd lol. what about dyno?

dyno is here

somehow cracked a forged piston from diamond. didn’t think i was pushing nearly enough power for that. roadtrip in the am.

saw your trophy up at the mile the other night gj haha

it wasnt pushing power, your tune was just garbage : )

O Shit!!



the toon really was garbage lol no denying it. i was working on it and or some reason it was running super rich on the vp110. no idea cuz the same airflow maps were dead on with 93pump.

You didin’t see the danger to manifold light when you sprayed the naz?

out of all the lights in my car i forgot to hook that one up…

New stock head will be in next week. Hopefully throwing that on will stop whatever is causing the horrible oil leak. Gotta make the old race car a realiable DD.

And new brakes. Ebay special ftw.

Sick! Check that headlight fluid and that canutter valve… If it sticks open, the flux coppasitor cant generate a stable warp field and the oil has no place to go but out the exhaust… ROFL!!!

Oh ok… Well make sure you check the headlight fluid and the canooter valve… If it sticks open, the flux copasitor cant generate a stable warp field, thus the oil has no place to go but out the exhaust…

well new head is on. forgot to clock the cam sensor correctly need to go back and fix that. but the real issue is that oil is still getting into the damn combustion chamber. spark plug is black and piston is still under oil…i’m about to give up and trade her in. too bad i love this damn car too.