2007 Avenger

Dodge wasn’t willing to let Chrysler have the ugliest sedan in the market:



wow, thats worse than the malibu maxx

Nothing is worse than the Maxx.

I don’t think that looks half bad.

it looks like a caliber with a trunk, pretty damn bad

I think there has been worse made, it’s not that bad.

I like it, there is much worse looking vehicles onthe market.

The avenger had sooo much potential…Then it turned into a cloud…then a heap of shit :tdown:

Here’s something Buffalo can be proud of, the Avenger was designed by a local from Orchard Park who’s now working at DCX!!!

Kidding aside, this is just another prime example of the higher ups at DCX killing off a good idea/design. A lot of my good friends are designers at DCX and on more occasions than I can count on five hands I’ve listened to the problems they went through during the development of these cars. I’ve seen their early concept sketches and am blown away at how wrong the final products turned out. Too bad because if the designers had more say in the direction of these cars we wouldn’t be complaining on the looks. It’s a big problem happening in Detroit right now and no doubt has been having an impact on sales…:frowning: .

looks like a baby charger, which is straight love-it or hate-it.
even has a coke bottle kick-up.

Meh, it’s ok.

Which ugly sedan of Chrysler’s are you talking about? I hope you don’t mean the 300C. Thats the only Chrysler product I like.


one word. EW.

1st gen avenger, not the status that you posted

yeah they looked hot, esp with a subtle body kit and racing stripes :slight_smile:

get rid of all the white decals and white wipers…

They really could have done a lot with that car…too bad it went down hill looks wise.

1st gens are hot, this is a new brick that looks identical to all the others, cant they make something sleek looking like the old ones

I hardly consider the first Avenger a Chrysler.

I hardly consider a first gen stratus an avenger :eekdance:

I understand the comparison to Strati (plural of Stratus?) Forget the name, it’s a mid-sized sedan. I think it’s a ton better looking than the old Stratuses though.

Holy Cobalt rear and sides Batman…GM called and yeah…they want their design back

Looks like a mean front…and meh rest

I would see it in my rearview and be all like…woah thats kinda hot…then it would pull up along side and I would be all like…where did that hot car go?

Scion XB??? looks much better than that fugly box imo