2007 Buffalo Auto Show Feb. 7-11th

Is everyone going? Maybe we go in a large group and reek havoc? I plan on going as soon as it opens on the 7th and them again on the weekend. I go every year and this year should really show some nice concepts. What day is everyone going maybe we can organize a meet.


I used to go a lot, but not anymore. In fact, since going to the Detroit show I haven’t been to the Buffalo one. I guess I realized the Buffalo one is no better than walking around a car dealer’s lot, except you have to pay to get in and to park.

They are fundamentally different. Detroit is actually more of a trade show. Buffalo is more of a local dealer showcase. The thing I do like about Buffalo is that I can get into the cars and get a feel for them. Other than that…

i go every year… more out of habit then anything else.

No Audi, no care.
I will be in UTAH skiing anyway.:eekdance:

^^^ schmitts wont be there ?

^ I haven’t seen them there in years.:gotme:

oh wait, i forgot, they stopped taking cars the year that an allroad, an a6 and a TT had their interiors slashed

seams none of the salemen were anywhere near the cars during the show… woops

If sitting in a car gives you a feel for it. I’d rather just look at pictures online then hit up the dealers where I can actually DRIVE the cars I’m interested in.

sitting in them is always the first step though, got to make sure everything is in easy reach for yourself and that you hands / fingers fit all the controls like you want

Yeah, it’s worth the 7-8 bucks, or what ever it is now, if you’re seriously looking for a new car but really don’t know what you want yet.

Other than that, the Buffalo show is just a big disappointment. Way too many parents who bring their kids and just let them run around like each car is a jungle gym. So much less annoying to just drive a few miles and hit a few dealerships. Plus, when you find one you like sitting in, you get to drive it, and maybe even drive it home.

I went last year compliments of Adesa Buffalo. I got to walk around and wipe the fingerprints off the cars before they opened to the public. Was cool. This year, since I don’t work there anymore, Maybe Northtown will give employees passes…I don’t know what they do…either way…I’ll end up going…unsure which day yet.

Im skipping it this year for the TO show, buffalo is a waste of money after that plus i can make a weekend of it.

^^^ wrd

I hate the Auto Show for that reason. But I get over it, when I bring CD’s and DVD’s and play them in the display vehicles and piss people off.

i go every year for some reason

Jesus Christ don’t be so literal. I mean comfort, feature, quality material-wise.

I don’t go to a dealership, get in the car and say “I’ll take it”

TO show … I always make it to that one … we should get a beater cruise for that one

iam def going to the toronto show this year. trouble with the law prevented last year.

u got for the tuner room like i do:gay: