2007 lake effect snow thread

I hate this weather. I liked it before when I had time / money to snowboard, but not it’s just annoying. Had to call into work last night cause I couldnt see a damn thing and also the cutlass is a bitch in the snow. I can’t wait for it to be over with and to get rid of the cutlass

werd… shoveled the driveway with the land lord and by the time we we’re done, the place we started at looked like it got 2-3inches

i don’t feel like looking… but… is it predicted that the snow will keep up all day/night in buffalo again?


My neighbor was laughing at me last night when I did a 4wd donut in front of house in the Expedition so I could park it on the other side of the street while snowblowing. He expects it with the GTO, but seeing a 5500 lb truck doing an axis spin 270 degrees probably looked a little odd.

Nothing here in Williamsville right now, which is good since I’m having a bunch of people over for the game. I see they put us under a lake effect warning, but it looks like the band isn’t supposed to come any farther north. Sunny skies here in Williamsville.

How can you not love this beauty?!?
I just took this picture from my bedroom.

where are u and wheres the gun?

^ I use the silent killer.

j/k I let them live.


<3 your property…

DAMNIT!!! Why do I have to be at school in Baltimore for the 2 weeks it actually snows back home :tdown:. It’s 35 degrees and sunny here and everyone is ready to shrivel up and die. I guess this is the coldest its been here in 20 years or something.

I’ll have some kick-butt pictures and videos from last night as soon as I find the USB cord for this stupid camera.

yeah, fuck this shit.

i was supposed to go to my families house for the game tonight, but they live in hamburg and just called a little while ago saying dont even try to come because there is about 3 feet and counting and i really dont think my car is gonna make it through that lol


we have no snow here :slight_smile:

oh wait

:frowning: i miss snowboarding

Apparently on the news it says “Town of Hamburg CLOSED.” My mom called me to inform me, and couldn’t stop laughing because she’s in Amherst and has nothing.

zong’s driving skills are awesome

my videographer skills are awesome too. zong is just lucky that i trust him enough to let him do some sick drifts around me, i cant wait to get ahold of this vid

was going to go to boston/colden today, left west seneca and turned around at chesnut ridge. 219 is closed, and its a white out by the park.

counted 8 cars off the road

Does anyone in the Amherst area have a Mini-USB 5 pin cord I can borrow?

One of those?

dude, i think i have one of those

edit, its in my hand

Whoa, Tom where you at?

I am going to call you.