2007 New Years Resolution

Whats yours???

Mine is to pay off the little debt I have here and there. Along with a main focus on saving money and not being such a compulsive shopper…to take a minute to think it through.

Start exercising again.


Lifting more(at all),stop smoking and start school for county sheriffs

hell i dont know… lose 10-15lbs and tone up :dunno:

lose 30 pounds…lift more often…save more money

To buy myself a FUN car. Maybe an SRT6 or an Fbody…

Plans for the new year:
Start my MCSE certs by passing the 70-290 exam.
Get my POS 5.0 into the 12s.
Start learning about Vista.

yea loose some of my huskyness, and save money pretty much the same as everybody elses

get in shape… rounds a shape right?

procrastinate less… if i get around to it.

x2 :rofl:

pay debt down and finish my car

40lbs------->the window.

i got just a few in mind…very important to me

major one is graduating next semester…i hope to pull off good grades to get my GPA up and go job hunting. i hope to acquire something i may be interested in and start making some good cash.

next is my uncle gave me some reloading equipment and supplies…so i reallly want to get into shooting more seriously than i have done so far. i need to find a nice shooting range and i want to build up a nice rifle and make up some good loads. something i always wanted to do.

lastly i want to get my camaro up and running alot quicker than it is now…and to upgrade alot of things on it. more suspension pieces, new interior, finish my exhaust, new wheels and brakes. pretty much upgrade/restore the whole car so that very little is stock on it hopefully with that it will look great and run better. also gettin into tuning so i hope to beable to learn alot on that this year. but then again, i may go LT1 or LS1… Lots of ideas, i just need the money and time.

quit smoking, get a job & possible get some more schooling, save money for a new ride

07 will be all about dan


Get my photography business off the ground down here. Build this rig for my camera. Try and better myself at pshop and photography skills all around.

Leave the country for a vacation.

eat/drink/smoke less.