OFFICIAL: New Years Resolution for 2006

Some things I’d like to improve/accomplish on for the coming year:

  • Finish the car project and enjoy some driving for a change

  • Stop being such a prick/ass to the KA-T community and always boasting the SR as the next best thing since slice bread :hsugh:

  • Pay off all debts, and start saving towards a new home and such

  • Work out, eat healthy, lose some weight, yada yada yada

  • Improve self overall (I’ve been a prick/ass in general this year - not just to KA-Ts but in genearl).

Why in the hell would you make this post a sticky mang, its pretty limp-wristed… :lol:

Mine - I resolve not to change a bit.

Why the hell not. :squint:

  • Have sex with 10 different girls in 2006

  • Win rookie of the year in casc ontario touring gt

  • Drive an 11 second pass

  • Kill a man

  1. go back to school
  2. stop smoking
  3. stop wanking
  • Finish car and go to some track days
  • Make sure I’m faster than Gonad
  • That is all

PS - Alex: don’t go back to school its a waste of time. ;]

  • remove my engine
  • finish body work and touch up
  • get money to pay for paint
  • lose some weight become a tank
  • get fucking drunk!
  • o and to have a good bday shortly after new years :lol:

-Get car repainted
-Get the turbo, and every thing else needed on
-pay off debts
-Go to track days
-Get a new job :lol:
-Have fun with the car

-Reduce debt
-Be more social

  • pay off debts

  • paint car

  • swap motor (no sr :stuck_out_tongue: )

  • pass second semester

Lose my virginity.
Get drunk for the first time.
Try to be cool.
Learn how to drift.

win a million dollers at a casino

  1. eat better and get back into shape
  2. get the courses done that i need to, to apply to university.
  3. finnish the Cefiro and make it to some track days
  1. pay off debts
  2. back to school back to school to prove to dad im not a fool…
  3. make my car fast somehow.
  4. learn advanced physics (im serious to :cry: )

Get Debt payed lower,
Finish car for good
Laugh at mark becsaue he is not lying about anything he said
and I am done,

o and better job and finish school

-creat my own company( can’t say name)
-finish school
-finish AE86
-MAKE the first million{bing}

-Smoke more
-chase down sasha at the track
-smoke more
-make gf’s dream of threesome with hot asian chick come true
-finish the three other car projects that i’ve had sitting around since the 90’s!!
-smoke more
-Drink Pepsi

-avoid traffic violations whenever possible
-stay on top of S13 maintenance
-procure next S13…

1.) no more being an asshole to absolutely everyone i know
2.) no more getting arrested
3.) no more fighting

eat subway