December 28, 2005, 8:52am
Some things I’d like to improve/accomplish on for the coming year:
Finish the car project and enjoy some driving for a change
Stop being such a prick/ass to the KA-T community and always boasting the SR as the next best thing since slice bread :hsugh:
Pay off all debts, and start saving towards a new home and such
Work out, eat healthy, lose some weight, yada yada yada
Improve self overall (I’ve been a prick/ass in general this year - not just to KA-Ts but in genearl).
Why in the hell would you make this post a sticky mang, its pretty limp-wristed… :lol:
Mine - I resolve not to change a bit.
December 28, 2005, 3:15pm
Why in the hell would you make this post a sticky mang, its pretty limp-wristed… :lol:
Mine - I resolve not to change a bit.
Why the hell not. :squint:
Finish car and go to some track days
Make sure I’m faster than Gonad
That is all
PS - Alex: don’t go back to school its a waste of time. ;]
-Get car repainted
-Get the turbo, and every thing else needed on
-pay off debts
-Go to track days
-Get a new job :lol:
-Have fun with the car
-Reduce debt
-Be more social
December 29, 2005, 5:07am
Lose my virginity.
Get drunk for the first time.
Try to be cool.
Learn how to drift.
win a million dollers at a casino
December 29, 2005, 1:27pm
Get Debt payed lower,
Finish car for good
Laugh at mark becsaue he is not lying about anything he said
and I am done,
o and better job and finish school
December 31, 2005, 10:09pm
-creat my own company( can’t say name)
-finish school
-finish AE86
-MAKE the first million{bing}
January 1, 2006, 5:55am
-Smoke more
-chase down sasha at the track
-smoke more
-make gf’s dream of threesome with hot asian chick come true
-finish the three other car projects that i’ve had sitting around since the 90’s!!
-smoke more
-Drink Pepsi
January 19, 2006, 7:57am
-avoid traffic violations whenever possible
-stay on top of S13 maintenance
-procure next S13…
January 22, 2006, 11:02am
1.) no more being an asshole to absolutely everyone i know
2.) no more getting arrested
3.) no more fighting