2007 NFL Draft

but you have one QB on the field at a time, you got 3 to 4 LB’s on the field so why waste a first round on a LB that isn’t lavar arrigton commin outta PSU, that isn’t someone like that. comparing my comment to the big ben thing is stupid. its no where near the same thing. After the jets took revis i woulda traded down a few picks and got jarvis moss. there are solid linebickers that arent gonna go first round but play well in the NFL… buster davis from FSU, HB blades…

From what I have read, the Steelers do not need inside guys. They need outside guys. Davis and HB are inside guys.

And speaking of Lavar Arrington, if this guy turns out to be a Lavar Arrington in the NFL, then that is a terrible pick because Arrington has been terrible in the NFL.

You are acting like this draft is some sort of thing that completely revolves around the Steelers. Maybe nobody wanted to trade with the Steelers? Maybe Moss, being 6’7", is too big for an OLB in a 3-4 and too skinny to be a DE?

The comment about Roethlisberger is simply stating that you are looking at this kid from FSU and saying that since he is only honorable mention ACC, or whatever else, means that the Steelers shouldn’t draft him. If I said to you “Oh, the Steelers are drafting a QB that is coming out of Miami of Ohio that wasn’t recruited by anyone” if you didn’t see the guy or didn’t know who he is, you’d say “Wtf, that is stupid, take someone from Ohio State, Florida, etc…”

I’m just saying that you aren’t a fuckin personnel guy. I don’t understand how you can bash a pick or a guy before you’ve even seen him play, because I really doubt you’ve seen him play for FSU or scouted him or anything.

Finally Brady Quinn got drafted! Im not a fan of Notre Dame and definitly not a fan of Cleveland, but Quinn is pretty good, plus hes a Columbus boy so good to see him stay in Ohio. It will be even better now to go watch Steelers/Browns games

and neither are you. you can’t bash me and think ur totally right. college football is my sport, i think i know what im talkin bout

Thank you. I know I’m right, you just like to bash and bitch for no reason. I’m not saying I’m right, I’m simply saying that you can’t bash a pick that you know nothing about. Trust the guys that are paid to do this to do the right thing.

PS - You don’t know nearly what you think you do about College Football. But that is an argument for another day.

i watched 3 or 4 FSU games this last year and i watched buster davis make the plays. i’m not saying this guy is garbage but i do think he wasn;t the best player for us at pick 15. with fanaca’s situation i woulda liked to see us trade up and get a OL. the steelers seem to develop LB’s that why i think drafting one so high that wasn’t a stud wasn’t the best thing just because we needed one. what round did we get joey in, 6th? somthing like that. i like using the first round to get QB’s, RB’s, WR’s or DB’s… if not that you better be getting the best of breed when selecting another position…


i’ll tell you what faggot noob, i’mma pull my dick out and you can put it in your mouth and suck…

and for bravada… you can’t agree to disagree can you? you can’t accept that u don’t approve of my point of view. just because my POV isn’t yours doesnt mean i’m wrong or you are wrong. i just see it from one side and you see it from another. you can discredit my sport opinions all you want. but i grew up in a sports family…i had family members in professional sports, I myself work for a professional sports team. i have a background to back my comments so i don’t know why you go off like i have no clue what i’m talking about.

Shut the fuck up. You don’t know dick. Cutty at least has a fucking idea, don’t sit here and try and stoke the fire. Go turn a chair upside down and sit.

I don’t have a problem if you have an opinion, but you aren’t acting like you do. You said that it was stupid because we picked him b/c he was only honorable mention. If you said “Well, I don’t think this kid is going to be good because he is a little short for an OLB, and isn’t really proven because he only started a year, but I trust Colbert and those guys because they are paid to do this so hopefully they are right”. I wouldn’t have a problem with that.

And please, the fact that you have family members in professional sports, that really doesn’t mean anything. And the fact that you work for a professional team, well, I mean, personally I wouldn’t call them a professional team, but I guess technically they are. :jk:

Oh I don’t have an idea because I have yet to post in the thread?
You guys must be psychic :bowdown:
Go fuck yourself Bravada


Post #47 u no0b!

Well look at the 1st round picks for the last 5-6 years… guess they know what they are doing. I was pulling for a cb, but guess they feel with 2 4th and 2 5th round picks they can pick up someone there. Also please draft a big running back! Not to replace willie, just for short yardage.

x2 :bowdown:

different coach pal. “they” aren’t the “they” that they were.

bravada- having a background in sports has to count for something just like if someone grew up in the family business and took over. there isn;t many times at a family function that sports aren’t being discussed. my uncle was a professional baseball player for 13 years, my grandfather scouted both for pro baseball teams and pitt football. and weather the pirates play like a major league team is subjective but I understand the inner workings of how a team is run. The GM, Dave littlefield, is a very accesible person and will talk roster moves with anyone, top to bottom, to get their perpective. so i mean i don’t know what else constitues having some insight other than actaully being the manager/gm/ coach.

one day removed… yeah the pick is good… i was all caught up in the notion of gettin revis.

wtf no cb or even a rb yet

im no browns fan, but damn that offense is giong to be strong. they pick up Jamal Lewis, draft Brady Quinn and that OT…just need a few good receivers to throw too.
steelers just picked up a CB i think in the 5th round from Rutgers

william gay… :kekegay: maybe we’ll draft dekody fag too.

They fill their needs, unlike other teams that just take the players that are rated the best… it goes beyond the coach.

didnt even draft a RB. picked up a WR in the 7th but no RB. hmmm

I kinda like the punter we picked up…from what I read he is a solid punter. He is pretty beast for a punter…6’3" 230 and runs the 40 in 4.43.
