2007 Niagra Meet *PICS*- Vid coming soon-

That guy also had on a nascar jacket and a huge asshole mustache. That shit was tried and true.

i liked the video…shitty dance music no offence

At 1:57 i flip the camera the bird in devons car haha

ahhh my old 240…i miss it so much

brandon: (guy who bought car from me)

I thought u said it wasnt passing safety? huh?

That guy was legend. He also had on the “shaboots” the half cowboy boot half shoe but 100% gayness.


Wheres the video, its july now and no sign of a video.

Exactly what i was about to ask, really anxious to see it.

if you are asking about the video from Josh, the guy who did it last year, he is compiling footage from the meet as well as a variety of other events and puts them into a dvd in the off season.

he did one last year and it went over really well.

i doubt he has even looked at the footage from the meet yet, he’s been working on alot of other projects and is shooting the GPT this weekend.

Hey… I fed in all my raw footage, and just slapped it to some music. But im having huge problems removing the plates. Im willing to post it but only under passworded access to prevent just anyone from seeing the plates.

btw… its something like 8 or 10 mins long but all the raw footage is over 2 or 3 hours i beleave.

Ahh this is tricky with all the street racing and stuff the Plates would be a bad idea to keep in…

there was no street racing…?

The cops are using great lengths to charge every import driver now a days. Since it was a big group of cars driving down the highway passing each other I can see them playing the “Street Racing” charge