2008 College Football thread

I am sure there is more politics to the decision than I will ever know. From where I stand though, as a fan, I see it like this:

If I was Penn State and could fill a 108,000 seat stadium against teams like Akron or coastal Carolina, why would I give that up to play Pitt at Heinz field even once every 3 years? If PSU can get other teams from the Big East to come play at Happy Valley, why would they mess around with Pitt?

Maybe it is in Pitt’s best interest to stay away from PSU as its more than likely going to be a loss at least in the foreseeable future.

The panthers are lucky to fill 1/2 of their stadium on a regular basis. Maybe its the lack of alcohol available? Maybe its because they play in a Pro Stadium even though USF looked packed for that Thursday night game. I think that getting rid of Pitt Stadium was a terrible idea but we just had to have a new stadium for the steelers:stick: I went to see Pitt play the U back in like 99 with my HS football team. I clearly remember that stadium going insane with people dressed up like idiots which I would love to have back.

Who knows why but the lack of enthusiasm today for Pitt football in this city is almost embarrassing. Maybe Pitt needs a BLACKOUT :greddy: Haha. What if Pitt took the bull by the horns and played a 2 to 1 series? That could possibly spark the rivalry all over again and have it back to a 1 for 1 deal after 3 years.

When my friends and I sit here and watch college football we always say that we wish Pitt fans had the kind of enthusiasm that the SEC teams have. I mean it comes out when we play WVU but that’s is about it and I think its usually because WVU has been a ranked opponent. I mean I assume there would be more people their for Pitt-Penn State game.

I dont know how to end this because its a bunch of jumbled thought so…