2008 College Football thread

dream senario: Pitt wins the big east. Ohio State wins the big 10 and a one loss Penn State gets an at large BCS bid to play PITT!!!

That would be Sweet. I would definitely be going. But unfortunately, PSU is going to win the Big Ten and probably play for the National Championship. they have a tough 3 game stretch coming up. 2 away at wisconsin and OSU with a home game against U of M.

But I would love to see Pitt get something going to make it to a BCS with the chance to Play PSU.

Who would win PSU or Pitt? :blue:

X2…I am sure there are a ton of people who would love to see that game.

Who would win? Pitt!! PSU would their typical smug/think their better than anyone selves and go into the game cocky…think last season with WVU

ha ha… I know you don’t really think that Pitt could win. I would just hope for Pitt to show up and make a game if it. Penn State just has too much Defense for them. And too much offense. But I would love to see it.
Pitt should just agree to the 2 for 1 games with PSU they would make more money too.

i dont think penn st can make it through unscaved against wisconsin, OSU and Mich. especially in this day and age of college football.

I am hoping they do, but I think they will lose 1 of these games.

ND does home and home with a bunch of teams. ND is a hell of a lot above a team like standford but they dont make them do a 2 for 1. why should Pitt ever give in to those conditions? Penn state throws the 2 for 1 out there to save face. they know pitt will not agree to it so they make it seem like they are extending the olive branch. Penn State simply does not want to play pitt because a loss to pitt hurts their recruiting more than pitt losing to PSU hurts pitts recruiting. Penn State has no business playing syracuse over Pitt. Iowa can play syracuse and penn state can play Pitt!

PSU going to win it all. Sry!

Pitt Can’t fill a Stadium… it is a money issue. PSU needs 7 home games per year. plus the pitt kids would rather play in a sweet stadium that seats 110,000… something they will never see at Pitt. I am pitt fan as well. I don’t care what the conditions are, they should play every year. i wish they would do a 3 game series and who ever wins 2 out of 3 gets the 4th game. the first 3 alternate of course. Earn the homefield advantage. or do a winner keeps homefield.

I am sure there is more politics to the decision than I will ever know. From where I stand though, as a fan, I see it like this:

If I was Penn State and could fill a 108,000 seat stadium against teams like Akron or coastal Carolina, why would I give that up to play Pitt at Heinz field even once every 3 years? If PSU can get other teams from the Big East to come play at Happy Valley, why would they mess around with Pitt?

Maybe it is in Pitt’s best interest to stay away from PSU as its more than likely going to be a loss at least in the foreseeable future.

The panthers are lucky to fill 1/2 of their stadium on a regular basis. Maybe its the lack of alcohol available? Maybe its because they play in a Pro Stadium even though USF looked packed for that Thursday night game. I think that getting rid of Pitt Stadium was a terrible idea but we just had to have a new stadium for the steelers:stick: I went to see Pitt play the U back in like 99 with my HS football team. I clearly remember that stadium going insane with people dressed up like idiots which I would love to have back.

Who knows why but the lack of enthusiasm today for Pitt football in this city is almost embarrassing. Maybe Pitt needs a BLACKOUT :greddy: Haha. What if Pitt took the bull by the horns and played a 2 to 1 series? That could possibly spark the rivalry all over again and have it back to a 1 for 1 deal after 3 years.

When my friends and I sit here and watch college football we always say that we wish Pitt fans had the kind of enthusiasm that the SEC teams have. I mean it comes out when we play WVU but that’s is about it and I think its usually because WVU has been a ranked opponent. I mean I assume there would be more people their for Pitt-Penn State game.

I dont know how to end this because its a bunch of jumbled thought so…

couldn’t disagree more. Pitt is chock full of young talent and are only getting better and better recruits.

The panthers are lucky to fill 1/2 of their stadium on a regular basis. Maybe its the lack of alcohol available? Maybe its because they play in a Pro Stadium even though USF looked packed for that Thursday night game. I think that getting rid of Pitt Stadium was a terrible idea but we just had to have a new stadium for the steelers:stick: I went to see Pitt play the U back in like 99 with my HS football team. I clearly remember that stadium going insane with people dressed up like idiots which I would love to have back.
true, i’ve always said pittsburghers like beer first and sports second. and if anyone needs proof just got to a steeler game. most fans of the sport of football are at home watching. Pittsburgh isn’t a college town and also isnt a big city. Pitt is a victim of these circumstances. Miami isn;t a college town but is a larger city. The U was so successful at the time they needed to be. Sports and CFB grew so much in the 80’s. Pitt floundered big time in that era. look at the teams that get big crowds… mostly all college towns or major cities. Also, pittsburgh is such a hypocritical HOMER town… people will root for the steelers because they are from “pittsburgh” but then root for PSU or WVU… Steelers fans have turned me away from the steelers. working in pro sports have turned me off from pro sports. Pitt has to be one of the hardest coaching jobs their is from the stand point of having to play second fiddle to a pro team and a college team thats not even in the city. Pitt is comparable to the U of Minesota. both play in pro stadium, both are second to the pro team and both are not in Large population cities/college town.

Who knows why but the lack of enthusiasm today for Pitt football in this city is almost embarrassing. Maybe Pitt needs a BLACKOUT :greddy: Haha. What if Pitt took the bull by the horns and played a 2 to 1 series? That could possibly spark the rivalry all over again and have it back to a 1 for 1 deal after 3 years.
again over coverage of the steelers in the media, lack of coverage of pitt, worship of PSU. Fox sports PITTSBURGH makes me sick. dont tell me “panther fans first” when you say the same for WVU and PSU. Pitt is coming off a Big win and yet still the same tired ass sport reporters give pitt a jab in the stomach. the only person that is worth a damn when it comes to pitt is paul zeise. I also would like to state for the record that i think he’s a clown in all other areas.

I hate going to Heinz field. everything is a hassle there. why make people stand in line for a search when all you do is check dirrectly down the sides of someone. i could have a mack10 strapped to my inner thigh and they’d never know. if you are gonna make me stand in line for it…DO IT! if not just let everyone in. As if northside isnt land locked enough…lets pretend to build a casino and then a light rail system that is totally not needed. the only thing heinz is good for is the scoreboard. other than that the place sucks. i’m only 5’8" and i got a fucken cup holder jammed into my knee every game. how can build a brand new stadium and have such an uncomfortable seat! keep in mind the cup holder was built for cups with a handle which are not sold in the stadium. the gap for the handle causes normal cups and bottle to tip over. and because they will not sell you a bottle of water/pop with the cap you lose about $2.00 worth even if ur quick to pick it up. if i didn;t know better i’d think heinz field opperations was run by luke ravenstahl and dan onorato. Pitt Stadium was the perfect size and design stadium for college football. a traditional bowl. 3rivers… perfect for steelers football. heinz…garbage cantilever design that is the new cookie cutter. all wrong for football. all for what, a view of the trees on mt washington?

yes i agree, heinz field does indeed suck balls

After this year U of Minnesota will have their own brand new stadium. And last year they were 1-11… but they still averaged 52,000 per game at home. Pitt Can’t do that now and they are 4-1. But it really insn’t fair cause minneapolis is the 13th largest US City. Much much bigger than Pittsburgh.
Pitt even in 1982 when they set their yearly attendance record, only averaged 54,000 fans per game. pitt just doesn’t have a following here in pittsburgh. I am guessing their average attendance last year was around 35,000 if that. I have rooted for pitt my whole life, But i have also rooted for PSU as well. i never root for WVU. But I went to PSU and i will always root for PSU to beat pitt.
put yourself in Foxsportspittsburgh shoes, would you talk about a team that basically has a lack of following in the home town or would you talk about a team that is gonna get your ratings up. all they care about is ratings for their show. PSU does that for them. hence the PSU football story every sunday morning. I just wish they would play each other every year. here or there or at a neutral site. Preferably in beaver stadium cause ther is no venue like it. And i have been to the 4 biggest in the country.

i understand why fox sports does what they do. its about business and money.

as far as attendance pitt is close to 46,000 avg this season… not great compared to other school but pretty decent in this town. It not exactly Pitt’s fault that people dont show. the people who usually point fingers are the ones who dont go. I have had season tickets since 97. i dont care what the rest of the city does because i’m going no matter what.

hmmm. well i know a lot of people, including ones that went to pitt dont like coach Wannstedt one bit. as a psu grad, i should hope i wont be hassled for being a nittany lions fan from Pittsburgh. games at happy valley were so awesome to go to. that place shakes like a motherfucker. it was crazier than ive seen in a while at the last game against the illini.

what do you guys think of the top 25 this weekend? i have a gut feeling about texas beating oklahoma. i would also like to see florida(although i fucking hate tim teblow) beat lsu. i think it will be a tough week for psu vs wisconsin too.

walt hit a wall because of the lack of recruiting a big time RB and solid defensive players on a consistant basis. One here and one there doesnt constitute a good defensive unit. wanny has done that but has suffered on the field. I think thou…these last few years had to happen to get past the wall the walt couldnt. I like Wannstedt a lot. I think when he got a guy like cam sadler to want to play for his hometown and then get cam to sell other recruits on it too was great… You need a group of local stars to say “hey, we are all great players from western PA, if we all go to Pitt together we can do something special and show the rest of the country that WPA is no joke” Guys like pryor are exceptions and if you get them, great, if not…u’ll live… Its the guys like andrew johnson… great RB but choose miami over Pitt and like i figured got lost in the shuffle down there and now is at akron. Look at the KINGS that Dorsett and Marino are in this city. You think if Pryor has a great career at OSU he’ll ever have a street named after him? NO. Marino and Tony D are legends… If walt harris somehow came back as offensive coordinator Pitt instantly becomes a force to be reckoned with.

you think Haris can swallow his pride long enough to come back to pitt and be the OC for them. That is Wanny’s biggest downfall.

no but what else is he doing right now. he still lives in pittsburgh and is unemployed. walt is a dick thou but he sounds as dumb as spadafora when he speaks. the reason he still lives here is because of his new wife/former golden girl. Dave seems like a genuinely nice guy

PSU at #3 and climbing…

They look strong this year…but like old turdpants Joe likeshis schedule nice and as soft as possible (just to get the all time win total…fag)…and they have yet to play a good team yet. These next few games will really tell you if they are a #3 team.