2008 College Football thread

Well… Looks like 9-3 is a very big stretch to me. they are a 6-6 to a 7-5 team at best. Wandstedt needs fired. He wasn’t a good coach at the pro level and isn’t at the collegiate level either. he is a great coordinator, but the head man he is not. Gonna be a long season. ashame all you bought into the preseason hype. I just hope you don’t listen to the media like that when you vote for the next president.

More good news for the Pitt Lovers… Palko is now out of work as well. Cut by the Saints

Go Joe Pa!

i thought the game was coached fine. poor execution can’t be blamed on the coach. and what i mean is BG’s TD on the turnover. Every loss can’t be blamed on a coach or players… sometimes the other team shows up. wanny is great recruiter… look at the class he brought in the past two years.

what does the media have to do with anything?

The Media had every one believing Pitt was actually gonna be good this year. Yes Wandstedt can recruit. but if he cant put them in the right positions at the right time = fail. and that is what he did in the pros as well as with Pitt now. he is a coordinator at best.

He was signed to the practice squad today. Its going to be the same as last year, he will be on the practice squad to improve and eventually take brunell’s spot when he decides to retire.

I think people forget that fact that Bowling Green is always a good football team. Its not on par with the upper 50 percent of college football teams but its not a bad program. They took advantage of mistakes and put themselves into a position to win.

I think the major upset was ECU over VT. ECU came out and beat the piss out of VT. I half thought that tyrod taylor was going to lose his redshirt to play in that game. The best was that ECU won on a punt block and return. So much for BEAMERBALL and their spectacular special teams. I cant wait to see ECU play WVU this weekend.

How about Juice Williams throwing for 450 yards, 5 TDs and 2ints versus Missouri??

Florida killed Hawaii and thats all I have to say about that.

I have a feeling that PSU is going to be a contender this year and get themselves to a BCS bowl.

I think that the Stanford versus Oregon State was one of the better games i have watched in a while.

I found a new player that the enjoyed watching play, his name is James Casey and he plays for Rice. That dude is the ultimate utility player. He lined up all over the field even at QB for a few snaps.

college football is like nfl football, minus the care.

i think you have it backwards. NFL football is too political, too predictable and too much of a business. College football, while still having all of those components, has a sense of pride, passion and tradition that can not be duplicated in professional football because the players are paid ludicrous amounts of money to perform.

it has a sense of gay mascots and making you feel like a fucking poser (go figure…) if you’re rooting for a school that you did not actually attend. Not to mention the roster turnover on yearly basis, the generally much lower level of skill, and the BCS that has become so commercialized it makes me sick (watch for the OC Pool Management Bowl, coming to a stadium near you in 2011), plus seems to do everything it can to make sure that the best two teams are not competing for the championship title. I went to a Maryland v. GA Tech game last year and it was like watching a high school game. Neat thing to go watch when you’re in town and all that, but…

x2. the play calling in the NFL is very stale. it doesnt have the excitement that college has. no option, no spread…etc…


Well looks like PSU will be in the top 6 when mondays polls come out. They are for real this year. Illinois is a very good team, they took Missouri to the wire. But couldn’t hang with the Nittany Lions. I just wish the old PSU - PITT rivalry would still be in effect. unfortunately, it wouldnt be a rivalry any more. PITT + Wandstedt = FAIL

you + brick off ur skull = Dead

Penn State thinks their faggot ass program is so much better than Pitt that they think Pitt is dumb enough to give them 2 home games for 1 at Pitt… they need to get over themselves. FUCK PENN STATE. Win 7 more national championships or maybe a heisman… unitl then 12-0 suck a dick.

You = Gay ghetto fabulous…! And our program is much better than Pitts. How is it not? you play in a shit conference and won’t even win it. You still hoping for that 9-3 season? Great game against the cuse on sat! Fuck off Red Rocket man…:weak:

pitt :rofl:

i pay no attention to pitt fans, the only hope and glory they got was with that lucky ass win against wvu last year, who by the way just happen to be the best team in the worst BCS conference out there.

but on another note, thank goodness the ol’ maize and blue won against wisconsin…

This isn’t a what you did in the past society. It is what have you done for me lately. Pitt Has done Nada. If you want to talk about the last 4 years, PSU 1 BCS game, WON. Pitt 1 BCS game, got destroyed. (by UTAH) Oh yeah we finished 2nd in the nation in 2005. Who cares what pitt did in the 80’s. How about this, what have they won in your lifetime? I am gonna Guess nothing. And why wouldn’t Pitt go for the 2 for 1 games with PSU? Atleast if penn State came to pitt to play, they would sell out Heinz field. untill Penn State comes it won’t happen. ND can bring a good crowd too, but nothing like the largest alumni association.
I like Pitt, I really do, i have routed for them my whole life except when they play PSU. But they are like the pirates, so hard to rout for. they fall short of expectations every year. Even when they made it to a BCS game, they got destroyed by a team from a non BCS conference. they need to make changes until they do, they will always be a 3rd rate program.

the big east is hardly the shittiest conference. The ACC gets credit from past reputation but miami, vt and BC are worse now then when they were in the big east… FSU is harly a national power that it once was. The Pac 10 is USC and the rest… the big 10 outta conference this year is horrible against decent teams.

Incase all of you college football experts missed it… conferences arent really that much of a factor into anything as of late… pretty much any team can be beat by almost anyone in D1 on any given saturday. USC pounded Ohio state and then got beat on by oregon state who lost to penn state who will undoubtly get killed by ohio state again this year.

as long as its college football then conference will be part of the equation. I understand exactly what you are trying to say. I agree that as of late any of the top 50 or so teams can beat any of the other ones. I guess that’s a sign that college football is progressing in a forward direction with talent and coaching.

I am very very happy to see Penn State doing well this year and hope they continue. I would like to see something like a sooner vs state BCS title game. I wont hold my breath.

I am very glad to see WVU floundering after all that coaching drama. I think retaining that old bastard was a terrible choice for them. There are a bunch of better spread offense guys out there to have kept their program moving.

I still like PITT and will watch them since they are the home team and I know and have known a bunch of players. Im kind of disappointed in them. I was primed to see them make a run for a big name bowl. I can settle for them playing spoiler though. I think i was more happy to see them knock off WVU last year then I would have been if they were in a major bowl.

3-1 or not…at this point the only thing that matters is 1-0 and that is the conference record. this thursday we will see what Pitt really has.