
wow, they left their defense at home.

WVU > *

They shocked th college football community.

no. pitt changed the landscape of college football, not WVU. everyone knew WVU could score points fast. you shut down big plays, you shut down WVU

OU has been known to not show up for bowl games. I think they are something like 0- 8 or 9 in their last appearances. I was personally a believer that they should have been in the BCS championship. After that performance I guess I was wrong.

Now, Being a huge Warrior fan and watching them be dominated by Georgia was painful. Georgia was the better team but of course I knew that. Im not a fanatical warrior fan but more a realistic warrior fan. I knew they were over matched. Although I thought Colt would have the ability to keep it someone respectable. When you can get pressure with 3 or 4 pass rushers while dropping 7 or 8 people in to coverage no QB will be able to do much of anything. As far as Im concerned Hawaii could have had Tom Brady back their and still faired the same.

What about Kansas last night? I was pleasantly surprised by their play last night. Reesing definably impressed me with his play. And what about VT not leaning on the running game when they should have?


they must’ve left their skills in thier other pants.

some pretty decent games this year. Pitt stopped WVU from a good shot at a bcs title… and i loved it. im with twoforty on liking the warriors. brennan has a fuckin cannon arm. pretty unique ball release too. his offensive line kind of choked in the sugar bowl though.

georgia and kansas made good arguments for LSU not being there. I hated when the bowl alliance took over the top 4 games and it only got worse when the BCS was introduced. I don’t believe LSU is the second best team in the country. this year was so tough thou… even though they got pounded by georgia i think Hawaii should have been playing the buckeyes.

I think Georgia was severely underrated. They should be playing the Buckeyes.

LSU can basically DIAF. They made the BCS championship due to prestige and tradition of their program. I was half surprised someone didn’t vote notre dame to the BCS championship!

I think Hawaii was slightly overrated but being that the season was so messed up they deserved the bowl bid this year moreso than others.

hey, like it or not ND gets people to watch. People that hate ND hate because they were smart enough to get their own contracts. I dont think there is another team with a strong enough following that can do that. They play a killer schedule every year and they are under such a microscope that if they commited a tenth of the infractions schools like miami or usc or fsu did, people would be screaming and kicking.

I believe LSU made it based on SEC schedule, which this year wasn;t anything to write home about. thats the problem with having a conference with two divisions and a championship game. you get two strong teams in one division and one is gonna get boxed out of the championship game and you end up with LSU vs Tenn when georgia was clearly a better team than Tenn but was in the same division of the conference as LSU.

if the cryboys get a new stadium the Cotton Bowl is going to get added into the BCS. Either way i still hate the BCS.

Cutty, I was not knocking Notre Dame. Zibikowski is one of my favorite players. Its a shame he had to go out with a season like that. Your rebuttal, however, solidifies my point. Its not always a teams talent or the way they play the game but more so the programs prestige and tradition.

well hawaii is an example of working against you, LSU is an example of it working for u and ND has to deal with a double edged sword. ND is much like my CC vikings. when they are good they must be cheating, when they are bad they must not be cheating.

Georgia and Tennessee are in the same division of the SEC. Tennessee beat Georgia during the regular season and LSU beat Tennessee in the SEC championship. So if anything Georgia lost out in playing in the national championship by losing in a sort of defacto playoff in the SEC.

I agree.

what i mean is that tennesse while tied 6-2 with georgia had two more losses than georgia overall. Thats like the steelers finishing tied with cleveland in division play but having a better overall record but not making the playoffs. Had georgia played LSU in the championship like they should have had the opp, i think they would have beat them.