2008 College Football thread

walt hit a wall because of the lack of recruiting a big time RB and solid defensive players on a consistant basis. One here and one there doesnt constitute a good defensive unit. wanny has done that but has suffered on the field. I think thou…these last few years had to happen to get past the wall the walt couldnt. I like Wannstedt a lot. I think when he got a guy like cam sadler to want to play for his hometown and then get cam to sell other recruits on it too was great… You need a group of local stars to say “hey, we are all great players from western PA, if we all go to Pitt together we can do something special and show the rest of the country that WPA is no joke” Guys like pryor are exceptions and if you get them, great, if not…u’ll live… Its the guys like andrew johnson… great RB but choose miami over Pitt and like i figured got lost in the shuffle down there and now is at akron. Look at the KINGS that Dorsett and Marino are in this city. You think if Pryor has a great career at OSU he’ll ever have a street named after him? NO. Marino and Tony D are legends… If walt harris somehow came back as offensive coordinator Pitt instantly becomes a force to be reckoned with.