2008 NFL Draft Day Thread

was wondering when they were gonna grab a TE


Bears should have gotten Mendanhall in the first and built the OL in the next two rounds, fuck, another season of less than 80 ypg rushing.

I hate fucking Jerry Angelo so fucking much…

looks like Jacob Hester is the new Turner

…but there were more defensive picks than offensive picks.

OH and just an FYI McKelvin will be wearing #28, he’s been here since 10:00am and already agreed to terms.

i approve :slight_smile:


i <3 the updates from you lol

Caleb Campbell seems to be a fan favorite lol

I love how character/off-the field conduct is no longer a priority for Buffalo on draft day…2 with priors (Hardy and Ellis) and another who co-starred in a rap video where his co-MC was spitten rhymes about smokin up all the trees (WR-Johnson). I believe the video is on youtube. Poor Marv Levy is probably turning over in his bed at his retirement home in disgust. I on the other hand welcome the new CHARACTER players to the Bills!!!

Fuckin Hilarious… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBojuEZPbpk …pick up the CD at buffalobills.com

Seriously?? If every team picked or signed players based on character there would probably be enough players two fill two complete rosters.

“Oh noes a college kid did something stupid”

Sometimes you need to just “bite the bullet” and take the risk. Not being in the playoffs since 99 might make an organization do that.

EDIT: Hopefully more updates tomorrow when I get to the office.


old ass Ralph looks lost