NFL Draft Thread

Today’s the day…
WTF is with the timing change though. 4PM to midnight on a saturday night? REALLY?

Anyway, Chargers are my team so i have a little wait til #16. Hoping they go with Maualaga, ILB from USC.

WOOO awesome thanks for the reminder!

I have F1 Qual DVDR’d it will be done about 4pm :slight_smile: talk about perfect timing.

draft on DVR is amazing. you can watch the whole thing in 15 min.


I’m really hoping we draft Robert Ayers and and Brandon Pettigrew with the 11 and 28 pick

Im with ya Joe, hoping they can grab Maualaga at that spot

my gf is working the draft day at the stadium, she was surprised when I had NO idea what the hell a draft day was or why it was special.

If they dont get Maualaga I want an OT or DE. If they take a running back or something dumb im gonna be pissed.

Sanchez to Jets :tdown:

LOL I love the JETS Picks…

With the first pick of the draft… the New York Jets Pick Kicker Mike Nugent! god I wish i could find that video!! Its soo fucking funny.

I’m ready for the Bills Curveball here

49ers got great value with Crabtree there, he’s a beast.
Raiders made their usual retarded reach for some really fast guy :lol:

Did anyone see Eugene Monroe bracelet?? BLING BLING!!

The sale of Escalades just went up 40%

Aaron Maybin…guess Kelsay is on his way out of town after all.

He’s small but a pass rusher… lets hope for a long term threat

:tup: Maybin

I think Orakpo was the better player there…and possibly everett brown

anyone got somewhere i can watch live online? draftcast is too boring

Chargers may have their 3 top guys on their board available to them… Jenkins, Maualaga, and Oher… that would be a tough call.

fuck this, AJ smith fucking up another draft. I’m going out