So, I got bored at work yesterday and started talking to the rental car person and realized the rental car place in our building had a new G8 GT back in its fleet that wasnt reserved yet…I ended up getting a WICKED deal on it for the weekend and decided I was gonna beat on this car like it was my job…
So, cruising around on XXXXXXX rd. last night around 11:30 or so i see some nice H.I.D’s behind me and he quickly merges over into the next lane to line up next to me at the light as it turns red…dude pulls up next to me, siq blowout hair cut, popped collar and leaning so far back he might as well be in the back seat driving with extensions on the pedals and he had an even bigger d-bag in the seat next to him…so we get stuck at the long light he creeps up to look at the hood, see’s that it is a GT and immediately throws a pussy ass rev…my buddy and i look at each other and start laughing uncontrolably, apparently mr. jaggerbombs didnt like it to much because he then gave me a rev from hell, sounded like he bounced it off the limited for a few seconds :cjerk: i pop her into neutral and throw a rev back hearing that siq nasty 6.0L motor with the quiet exhaust :lol:…anyways i digress…
The light turns yellow on the other side, captain cock stain starts revving it up ready to pop the clutch, i throw her into sport shift mode and turn the stability control off, hold the rev’s before i start to spin the back tires (~2000 rpms BOOO!) light turns green and BAM! he pops the clutch at like 5000 rpm and just spins violently and fish tails around…i instantly catch traction and just pull instant buses on him til about 100ish…i slow down and let him catch up, he flies up next to me, slows and yells over “fuck that shit homeboy we’re going from a roll!” (he was white by the way) i yell back "pick your speed your still gonna lose ‘homeboy’ "…he didnt like that too much, he downshifts, i let the auto downshift on its own because i was too lazy to shift myself…still in sport shift mode, we go from a 20 roll…i give the 3 honks, we go…instantly pull a car (love the torque)…every time he would shift i would pick up another 1/2-1 car lead on his honkey ass…(i must say the autotragic in the G8 shifts wicked clean and shifts when its supposed to lol)…
we catch another light together and he wont even look at me…talking to his d-bag passenger talking a lot with his hands…the light turns green he rolls out normally, as do i…he then proceeds to floor it, waiting for the turbo’s to spool, i hammer down and pull past him, this time its a little closer because he got the “jump” still cant pass me, he tries his hardest to pass me, but no dice…he gets behind me eventually and turns off, as his passenger flips us the bird out the window…
All in all, the G8 fawkin’ rocks! i wanna see what this bitch will do with an exhaust, cam and spray :tup:
EDIT: i would say the 2nd race we had, i had an easy 4 cars on him…the 3rd race with him getting teh jump, probably 2 1/2 or so…and the dig, well that was measured in airplanes :lol: