G8 1/4 mile track vid


All i can say is thats one fast 4 door :wink:


Wonder what was done to it.

sounds good

BONE STOCK :headbang:

we inspected one last week. it moves pretty good.Well as the culligan salesman beating the shit out of it showed us

damn quick

Times, vids blocked at workā€¦?

wow, 1.9 60ft on first run, haha better than I could cut on 315s for awhile

13.1 at 106

8 posts and no hate yet

You can ā€œhearā€ how sticky that track is when heā€™s slowly rolling up to the pre stg/stg. lights. Sounds like wet paint on a rollerā€¦lol

New G8ā€™s seem to be better than the GTOā€™sā€¦not too shabby. Too much for my budget though.

Iā€™ve been looking for one locally to testdriveā€¦ but I donā€™t want the GT now and then the GXP comes out next yr.

Murphy has an 888 sitting on the lot for 32k

:word: stick and a bit more power :tup:


:tup: im sold.

sweet slap on some bolt ons and your deep in the 12s

Ugh if only i was interested in an auto. Oh well i shall wait for the GXP

Best C&D could get out of their G8 was 13.8 @ 104, so either this was a particularly strong example or it wasnā€™t stock. C&D is usually very good about getting the most you can get from a car.

it looked and sounded stock to meā€¦

I heard on another forum that it had a tune, but that was all.

supposedly a 93octane tune for these cars makes some good power