2008 Track Day Season Pass - $400 for 7 Evenings ends Jan 1st!

Our offer of 7 sessions for $400 ends January 1st, 2008!

Just so you know how good of a deal that is, some people on other sites are charging $100+ for just ONE evening :eekdance:

If you can’t go to all of them, feel free to sell any spots to a friend or post them for sale on the forum!

More info is available here:


looks like an awesome deal/idea.!! thanks josh.


Only a few weeks left to jump on this!

Only 4 more days left to take up this offer. :ohnoes:

yo josh. i jsut got back home. youll have payment tonight or tomorrow.

and would it be cool if my dad used my friday passes? ill be working and he can take off and i cant

Not a problem, as long as he reads and follows the handbook. :tup:

So ends this opportunity! I know it’s hard to predict so far out when you’ll be able to participate, let alone if your car will even run, lol.

Check out the events section of our forum for details on individual track days. :tup: