2009 Bings Meet?!?

BING! WTF? Is there going to be a meet/cruise or no? I’m itching like a fiend over here waiting for the date. I can’t take it anymore…will there be a event this year to start the season?

Relax there homie, yes there will be.

there will be, but the man is busy handling business to think about a meet right now.
give it a month and the games should begin with planning… right BING???

i hope so.

just too much going on with work, family, business etc. for me to feel comfortable about having this meet go off as expected. I don’t want to try and do it even mroe half-assed that we usually do. :slight_smile:

half assed from Bing…Never!

Always heard good things about the meet.

ditto (minus the family bit)