2009 Cadillac CTS-V (update with dyno results)

I suppose, and that is a hell of a discount but your still loosing 11K + in 2 years, and I cant imagine financing for more than that, then you’d be getting screwed.

Do you do a lot of extra driving? My commute is 12 mi each day, I go to syracuse once a month or 2 and my cabin all summer (85 mi each way) and I put on 13k in 14 and a half months so far :gotme:

I guess I must do a lot of extra driving. :shrug: Oh well, that’s why I bought it instead of leased.

Yeah, when I looked at leasing a Z4 M Coupe I told them I’d need a minimum of 25k per year (which I’ve put on the car I did purchase instead in uhh, 4 months?). Leasing with incentives on a left over model came out to almost $750 a month. I lol’d out of the dealership and bought a used bimmer instead.

25k in 4 months? Damn. Business car?

come on mike… how are they going to lease a car that does 25k a year… it would have no residual value after ever 3 year (75k)… the deal has to at least kind of work for them to ever bother asking.

Actually M5’s are just so sweet that when you own one you feel you must drive at least 4 hours a day.

Yeah, 14 mi round trip x 5 days x 50 weeks is only 3500 miles a year commuting. If you want to lease just have mrs. fry quit galavantin’ around town so much

I agree that they tank in value once they leave the lot

A 3 year old (2006) CTS-V with less than 50k miles is worth about $25k with a sticker of $55k.

I included 2005’s as well since the population of used CTS-Vs for sale was smaller than BMWs.

What is the same 3 year old 50k miles BMW M5 with a sticker of $90-100k worth?
About 45k - 55k

Saying it cost a premium to own a luxury vehicle is not earth scattering news, but some people are willing to pay a huge premiums to own the first XXXX on the block. If you want something that will hold it’s value buy a 96 Honda.

Do you go camping in the Adirondacks every weekend or something? That just doesn’t make any sense.

The CTS-V is pretty impressive, but it just doesn’t do it for me like the M5.

but what’s the real tank… because they don’t sell for MSRP, so those aren’t the real values.

Oh, I realize, but I figured I’d ask and find out. Even when I moved it down to 15k a year it changed by uhhh, $49? My point really wasnt that the terms were that ridiculous but more that I don’t understand how anyone leases a vehicle. Complete waste!

Tampa > Rochester
Rochester > Philly (x2)
Buffalo> NYC
Rochester > Toronto
NYC > Vegas > Rochester

Plus regular commuting etc. My average daily commute is around 50 miles shrug

i wonder if it has cup holders and if soo…how many???

I would. :gotme:

Naw it’s just me out chasing tail.

Actually she does speech therapy home care with early intervention kids, so her car is full of toys and shit. Having ANY loose shit in a car drives me up the fucking wall :OCD: so any time we go anywhere we take the truck.

True since the CTS-V sold for at or below $50k in 2006 while the BMW was charging a surcharge in most cases.

Have these things been out long enough to get long term reliability impressions? Like 100k+ how do they hold up?

I think most of the depreciating in the car market has been the gas prices lately well a few months ago…, if its got more then 4cylinders its worthless! I love gas prices now if i see a hybrid i rice pass them in my CADDY! But once it goes back up… ill be crawling in the slow lane like an old man in his Brougham!

Ohh no you di’ iiint.

What does this have to do with the CTS-V?:mamoru:

Hehehehehe, well im at work so im not looking for the specific post in the thread, but anyways someone was talking about depreciation, and i got excited because gas is cheap… I <3 the new CT-V i think its Hot!