2009 Cadillac CTS-V (update with dyno results)

Best car ever made

That’s like the same price point as a Ferrari. Nobody would ever buy a CTS-V over a Ferrari.

Nice car. GM’s been making a lot of those lately. Now if they could just figure out how to run their business at a profit…

Cadi owners seem to suck at picture taking. This is the best one so far.
I am waiting for a good picture of Red and White.

+1 :mamoru:

I can has CTS-V and a Ferrari? I am a huge fan of overpowered fun luxo sedans for daily driving. I could deff see this being my next beater if when i get sick of the M5.

I think they look great. I am very excited test drive one and see how aftermarket support turns out.

i think they look plain… for the best car ever made you should at least have some respect and take pictures with only the best photographers

:tdown: to disrespectfulness

and who would be paying for that ? Gm has no money HaHa… CTS-V and GM = the greatest thing on earth :slight_smile:

Can someone please photoshop the car to fix it for me. See I need the grill to be just mesh and a BMW logo on the hood to fix its plain look. Oh and make it flat black so that IanK can get on board as well.

with 50.8 centimeter rims?

You three have pretty much killed the joke, find something new to say.

you apparently haven’t been in one

Yeah man ya know I can do the PS wonders but IDK, listen Im sold already…I’ll buy one drive it for 2 years, let it depreciate more than half of its worth, be oh IDK say 15 or so grand upside down on the loan and I’ll enjoy every second of it. WHY ??? cause its the greatest car on earth

too much power? :smiley:













First of all in both of my posts I mentioned a few years and its not because I can’t afford it. It is because you are right cars especially ones in this price range depreciate a ton in its first few years. Second It is clear you have the mindset of a poor person and are just being an asshole. 15K upsidedown? Yea cause people buying 60K cars are poor and will cry all the way to the bank. News flash i almost bought an 06 M5 for 48K the other day talk about depreciation hahahah. Its part of the game son. When you are buying 60-80K luxo sedans new they are going to depreciate.

you should have bought the e60 m5, faggot

Yes your right, and I fully agree, I doubt most people who buy this will care, I just had to laugh because 04-06 CTS-V’s, trailblazer SS’s and such are worth UNDER 20k after 2-3 years or so, when MSRP was 40+K, thats just such a terrible investment it makes me sick, HaHa someone told me the other day that a previous gen escaslde was such a status symbol LOL i was like that thing is worth 15 K… end yourself.

Really? Have you driven one yet? I did not like it too much. Also it only had two pedals. I am happy with E39 with lots of spending room for mods. In a few years when I want something newer I will just get one of these. :mamoru:
PS-why are you not on aim? I am lonely.

Perfect, in 2 years it’ll be worth 20 grand and you’ll have tons of room for mods, HaHa

Nobody paid MSRP. The whole thing that killed the resale was that they really were the best deal in the business coming out of the factory. When you get your 42k MSRP TBSS based on a price of 31k (I leased) then 20k after 2-3 years suddenly becomes not all that bad.

I don’t know how people lease. My commute’s under 7 miles a day and I’ve still put on 17k since I got my Xterra in August 07. Do you just pay the overages on miles? A buddy of mine was just telling me he’s been paying $500/mo for his base Trailblazer because of overages on his lease. :hang: