I made none of this up. If joey autox’d his civic he would never be able to take advantage of his powerband. Why do you think atuox people put small turbos on their cars instead of big ones? Theyre always in power.
Reguarding your benchracing statement: relax none of that was directed toward you, your just fast to hop on the bandwaggon. Youd take a blowjob from a guy as long as he was respected on “the forums”.
Benny what you said is right, but for it to be a legitament comparison youd have to be much faster in that straight line than jclark is. Thus making it a very good race.
Your fast and big so you can basically fun through the hurdles but he can jump and is slower so your average speed is the same because hes not being slowed down by the hurdles.
So Joey’s N/A K20 Civic wouldn’t make use of his power band? :shifty
Byron has a pretty big turbo on his car so I guess he must suck at auto x. FP Red if I remember correctly. :rofl
Your JClark/Benny statement is dee de dee :lol