2009 Spring Tri-Vette Auto-X

so you don’t know what a " :smiley: " means, do you?? :Idiots

my car is no where NEAR frame rot, btw… its all surface.

do da’ stanky leg

if youre wired up…

Now you can lean wit it, and you can jock wit it…

now geeeeet it now geeeet it
Now hit da’ booty do, now hit da’ booty do

I break that shit out at the time.

Kramer!!! Im going to bed but you now officially have 17 days to get a car and sell yours!!! yes my math is correct . I will be updating the sig to make sure you know how much time you have.

You ******…I was just about to post that. Put it on page 1.

quoted for fail :smiley:

Ok so big Cliff better be meeting me somewhere off I-87 or I-90 to lead me to this place.

are R Compound tires allowed? I’d assume so?

Yes. And I’ll meet you in Fonda if you want.

ok Fonda is fine.

you said we’re meeting at a gas station or something then cruising out as a group, right?

i sense some HD quality vids on the way up& at the event:ninja

good shit, jae.


you guys meet whereever, I’ll meet you all at Fonda mcdonalds, then cruise up to autozone. We sit around, bullshit for an hour or so… drink coffee, circle jerk, etc. Then go up.

what timez are we going to meet at this micky d’s? and where is the mcdonalds?

jaegoon are you going to be present at this event?

Registration is from 9-10:30… I think we typically meet up at 8:00. We’ll hammer out the details and post them here, and on the front page. McDonalds is very easy to get to. There is a gigantic McDonalds sign on the thruway you cannot miss. Get off at Fonda, when you go to get off the thruway, take a left. You CANNOT miss McDonalds at all. If you do, you’re more blind than Ray Charles.

He will be present with a SKDM HD camera. :excited