2009's Best Engines

I see…good point. Still would like to see a GM v-8 on the list though.

I would think (could be wrong) it had to be a “new” motor for 09 not a cary over of the same. Like the new 3.6 like stated above…but that 3.5 is sweet. My bother test drove a Maxima and loved it.

The G8 Gt takes regular unleaded. The GT get to 60 in 5.0 and the v-6 is 7.0. For the tires I don’t weigh too much of a factor on that…I will pay extra b/c I really like the looks of the 19’s. I saw you can get a GT for roughly $25K now with all the incentives…which is crazy good for what you get for the $. So for only $2K more I woul love to get the GT and get a awesome motor and better looking wheels. I do think the v-6 is nice…they look pretty much the same as the GT and the motor is decent…but motor is a huge factor for me.