What team would pickup a quarterback who did terrible for one of the worst teams in the league? I’d rather scout high school quarterbacks before signing Edwards. Fitzpatrick wasn’t overly impressive but he was like Jesus Christ compared to Edwards, I mean I actually saw passing and completions.

Someone will get him on the cheap as a caretaker 3rd QB that has played before and can hand the ball off and throw 5 yard passes in the event of total disaster and not throw 5 interceptions. That or he’ll be playing JP in the UFL.

So basically Clay Matthews sacked Edwards right out of the league. :slight_smile:

Well he was pretty decent before the concussion so I guess that’s a fair assumption.

Well Edwards is now the back up(and soon to be starter judging from what the Jacksonville coach has been saying about David Garrard) for the Jaguars. Turns out that the Jets put in a claim for him also so some people in the league must think decently of him. Granted the Jaguars are almost as bad as the bills right now, but I would not be suprised if Edwards ends the season with better numbers than whomever gets the majority of snaps for the Bills.

I hope he is starting when we play them, and he wins.

The only reason the Jets and Jags are interested in him right now is because we are playing them both in the next 2 weeks and they want to pick his brain before the games. Unfortunately for the Jets, Jacksonville got to him first. Not like there is much to get out of him at this point, but Im sure they will drill him while hes still sensitive about the situation.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see him dropped in a few weeks after we play both these teams.

I really don’t think the Jets need an insider to beat us… Shit, Jacksonville wouldn’t even benefit much from it either.

I would agree that Trent has untapped talent. He just needs the right coaching and training and I don’t doubt that he would do better somewhere else. This is not the same as when we got rid of Losman and no one in the league even wanted him as a waterboy.

I think the thing we’ve learned time and time again is that people like TE can play for a team that sucks monkey balls, and end up somewhere else and do well. Guys usually don’t make it to this level and completely suck that bad. Saying he is going to be a bomb because of his performance in Buffalo is just blind angry fan talk looking for a scape-goat. I mean Matthews has more Sacks by himself than most teams…

Our offensive line has been atrocious for years now, which may or may not be the reason for the terrible quarterback play. Despite that fact I still don’t think Edwards has what it takes to be a successful quarterback in the league

Name one Buffalo Bills QB that has been successful outside of Buffalo in the last 10+ yrs.

Rob Joh… oh wait
Doug Flu… Oh Wait
J.P. Losm…Oh Wait
Drew Bledsoe…Maybe/kinda

Well, if anyone cares, Kelsay just signed an extension. So, yeah, there’s that. :meh:

Flutie was successful in San Diego…they just stopped playing him because they wanted to go with Brees. He actually outplayed Brees for a couple years.

just when i thought they couldnt get worse…why on earth would you give him a 4 year extension??? hes NOT GOOD…especially for 4years 24mil. pathetic

I think he HAD what it takes, but after being beaten like a rented mule because our line couldn’t block a rush of seniors citizens coming out of the nursing home he’s now a head case with zero confidence. Maybe a better team can work that out of him, or maybe we’ve broken him completely.

For the record… JP Losman is now a UFL Champion. So… there’s that lol

Nice did they get a superbowl ring with that…lol

No, but Rob Johnson did :barf:

Yeah, but on the back of Rob’s they engraved “For Riding the Pine”.