2010 Porsche 997 Turbo tech video

this is a fun watch and goes through all the tech that they shove into these cars. The dynamic motor mounts and torque vectoring are pretty cool.

I like how BMW used variable intake runner length to change low end torque in their engines. Even if it fails, it is cool to try innovative new ideas.

ford did this in the taurus SHO which was adopted to some duratec engines (2.5L and 3.0L V6), honda did this as well for a while.

on the 7 series they have that infinitely variable intake manifold thing… when you see it, you’ll shit bricks.

Yamaha has been doing this on bikes for a while, the runners change length via servo. I think other bike makers are too now.

That’s not exactly new. That’s been around since the 80s. Ford used it on the SHO motor and Acura on its NSX engine.

off topic but, while watching that for some reason (i think due to the guys voice and the music) I was waiting for one of the cars to transform in to an autobot or something… lol

hell mazda had variable intake runners in the late 80s thats nothing new…

honda has had it since 1988 in the states

uhhh, my Ford Probe had that…

yes, this is much more impressive. I assume the 7 is using a similar system.

that video was A-mazing.

lol @ active engine mounts