2010 Season Diggums and Roll Races...

With the T/A:
John on the bottle from a roll
Drew on the bottle from a roll
Fluffy from a dig

With the 240:
polish pete from a roll
big red from a dig
Joey from a roll and dig

holy shit, i stop checking this at 4 oclock and now its 8 pages long…and damn i got left out of alot of lists! i think you ni99as is scurrd to run the Z

by the way 88slomarro is added to mine :slight_smile:

I wanna race the z in the T/A bro lol

sounds good, i call the roll:tongue

i’ll race that t/a aswell

Just edited my list too lol

im game:thumbup

Imgame ta has a few things up its sleeves this year as well as the 240… what do you wanna do the roll from?

I’ll call Wayne out, 0-140 or higher

im thinkin a 20-120

20? Might as well do a dig :lol

Word I’m down for that

i’ll do a dig too. ethier or works for me

good deal. what are you lookin to MPH with ethier/or cars? so i’ve got an idea

Pete I’ll do a dig but I want 2 cars

v-tak not working?

i’m sure we’ll figure something out lol

No I’m being serious on the street even with slicks pete would get me at the 1/4

ah gotcha

I’m thinkin 120

lol, by the 660ft you’ll be REELIN me in

oh ok… for which car? both?