2010 Season Diggums and Roll Races...

laduke will do like 108

laduke has a 3071 this guy has a 30r, everything else is the same, except dukey car is about 400lbs lighter and doesnt have a stock clutch hopefully. Dukes gonna need some 24.5’s though.

Let me drive the car dukey. I’ll run a 12.0@ 116

really pete… really…

i got slicks, dont be a panzy. i ran pete from a dig when i was on street tires… learn how to drive BRAAAH

really what?

oo relax mr. pants… and i want a jetta vs. jetta race.

the throttle aint an on/off switch yetti CMON

mr pants huh. dont be scared to dig pete. youre out of excuses now. slicks are available. your suspension should be fixed… now its just you and the car. learn how to drive it.

:crazy jetta vs jetta? what you vs dave? my cars not going to be ready for a while.

no 1.8t vs 1.8t… yes thats me vs you mr. pants… and i dont wanna rent your slicks. when i have the money or feel i need’m i’ll buy a set.


oh if youre gonna dig pete on the street i will let you use them for that run.

1.8t? who has one of those? no this guy.

i thought you had the 1.8 bottom. ok then i wanna run your 2.0t. you know what i mean relax. and if you let me borrow them for that run i will def consider it.

as far as fitment, youre on your own. i dont have any spacers for that.

my jettas got something, but its not a 20vt. im not sure what the bottom end has.

Actually they still are. I tried my damn’d-est to race yetti 1.8t daily from a dig. it was lulz… I rolled out in 1st shifted at 4 grand (no boost) hit 2nd was at 1/4 throttle, and I saw 10psi and spun from 4k rpm to redline. with yetti and Eliot in his car 3 car lengths ahead of my ass.

I have been messing with the driving styles in my car, and 2nd gear is 90% useless from a hard dig. even 1/4 throttle it blows the tires off.

To get a good dig from our cars we need boost control for 1st-2nd-and depending on the car/tune 3rd… at this point.

Your contradicting your self all the time with the man pants stuff.

Running slicks to get traction is just an excuse for overpowering your drivetrain/power delivery, improper car setup AND/OR lack of driving skill/control.

So saying “learn how to drive” and “put your man pants on” are the exact same thing really… you still failed to setup the car properly.

not at all man. boost control is half of the equation. why dial it in to “sort of hook” on a street tire and make less power, when you could run a slick and put down all the power much earlier?

and for reference, i ran petes evo, i was on STREET TIRES, pump gas, ~23-24psi and of course he 60footed me,but i was about to come around him at the top of 2nd gear… and his was a consistant 13.1 car all day, i had a good amount on him up top… not bad for single stage MBC and street tires.

my thing about the slicks is YETTI thinks he cant go from a dig in his car… set it up and itll go. just gotta modulate the throttle imputs, its not ON/OFF. my GTI i could get it to hook in 1st and most of 2nd if i tried to, or i could just smash the gas and spin into 3rd.

i’m not saying i wont run him on my streets i just haven’t been able to hook AT ALL. but with the new suspension in who knows. just have to wait and see.

and we all know a high powered FWD VS low-mid powered AWD (no bashing you at all pete just saying its not a uber hpz awd car yet)… a dig race between the two is a cat and mouse thing.

awd jumps out (dont give a shit what kind of driver/slicks/tank tracks/studs your running for traction) for the first XXX feet in the race. then the FWD reels it in (power depending) and attempts to pass the other guy.

Its like beating a dead horse… weight transfer kills a FWD car, unless the ssupension is setup MUCH differently than common every day FWD cars. Power makes it worse. AWD just simplifies power transfer to the ground. we all know this already… i feel like a retard even posting this.

good for you mike… good for you :lol

Agreed on the boost controll part… its not all boost thats the problem. I know this, but its the easiest thing to adjust with the proper tools/equiptment, without using highend tuning and other means of governing the tq produced at different speeds. And nobody wants to run around on a slick on the streets. so lets just quit the slick talk. we are in the SR section atm. :thumbup

and i honestly dont see you being able to hook 1st, or even 2nd with simple foot controll. and when you say 23psi thats max I assume. no way did your car see 23 psi in 1st or 2nd gear… its false advertising. unless your fluttering the gas pedal like a mexican hat dancer there is no way to limit the tq produced in those LOWER 02M 1st/2nd gears to make it hook.

I might go out and log throttle position/actuall boost/engine rpm and vehicle speed. I Bet 35% throttle input will show wheel spin in 1st and 2nd.