2013 Federal Assault Weapons Ban

gov’t dont know if i have a nuke or anyone else for that matter.

also on this topic i should add that we dont need laws to live. laws help the 1% and make them profit.

a law to me is not needed. good people with morals is needed. simple things effect people. so why not invest in making people happier and better people?

a law doesnt help you from getting shot while watching a movie, a law doesnt protect you. its just a piece of paper with words. try standing behind that when a insane killer approachs you

a crazy insane person doesnt care if it says no guns. he will still shoot you. but if the good guy sees no guns he will not bring his gun. so he will not be able to protect his things. i blame the good guys for allowing that to happen. there shouldnt be any gun free zones. there should be no crazy people allowed zones. i have been in places where thousands of good people have guns and nothing bad has every happened. so why blame the gun?

i say no crazy people zones at every school.

my definition of a written law is: words written on paper that makes money for rich people and it usually says not to do something.

also if you do what it says not to do you could get in trouble by the law. then most of the time you pay the rich.

most of the laws that effect you were payed for by you. why do you let it happen? stand up and dont let them make more. you see without the laws and paper will still are here. a law doesnt make you do something. it doesnt stop bad folks either. most laws take good peoples rights and then make them good guys pay $$$$.

i still think we should handle bad guys and put them in there place but i shouldnt need a law for that. morals are needed and good men and women. also we need fit parents or better places for kids to go.

so why have laws if they dont help us?