2013 Federal Assault Weapons Ban

Do you agree that explosives/chemical/biological weapons can be defensive weapons? Even if it’s just explosives for the sake of argument.

For the record, government already has ability to take away your 2A right on the basis of mental stability, such as being declared clinically insane (correct me if I’m wrong on this).

I want to reference the fact that government isn’t a single agent and “uncle same” won’t be paying “some douche” who clearly doesn’t care about 8 years of his medical education and his clinical license to fake and misdiagnose somebody, is unlikely to happen.

Government is already doing plenty of testing on your to see if you’re fit to participate in things like driving. Granted it’s a privileged not a right, but in modern world that privilege has a much bigger impact on a person than whether or not they can have a 12ga, but government has complete and total control on who gets it, who doesn’t, stop you at any point in time (cops), reevaluate you and establish countless laws on the matter.

I wouldnt want the government doing the weeding out, they could start discrediting anyone by declaring them insane or mentally unstable, i think that the process of anyone being declared mentally unstable would occur way before they could ever buy a gun, which is the case for both adam lanza and james holmes, there were a lot more factors which allowed them to do what they did than a lack f a pre purchase psych evaluation, bad parenting, being overlooked by a psycologist…

I would agree that explosives could be used as defense weapons but NBC weapons are purely offensive, my point about goverment controlled evaluations being a requirement was that it would create a confiscation loophole and like you said its more complicated than one peraon or a simple go or no go for a gun purchase, i think it would be a nice big gray area the government would ultimately abuse, hate to sound like a paranoid idiot but im just trying to think long term, not just today and tomorrow

Government has an agenda universally/bipartisan to get rid of drunk drivers in a situation with no protection from the constitution yet I fail to see this system being abused in anything else other than rare occasion of buddy of a cop being pulled over or somebody with rank or pull.

It simply enjoys the revenue it provides.

2A is ALREADY very limited. A bit federally but especially in state by state basis. Its possible but extremely difficult to get your class 3 license to have few restrictions but that simply means you are already limited and have to go through a procedure to get your weapons. That’s already in place. There are hundreds of things you can’t have, thousands of configurations, tens of thousands other restrictions. Adding a psych test would hardly be a revolutionary infringement, it would be marginal at best, especially in states like NY where you have through great lengths to get your pistol permit.

Yet even with all those restrictions plenty of people right now feel like that can assemble militia and take on the government, hence why they were allowed to be voted in to begin with.


I wonder how many people realize it asks you on the form you fill out to get a gun if you have ever been in therapy for depression ect.

And how many people honestly fill it out “yes” when they’re at the counter typing in on the computer(or in stone age stores actually filing the pen and paper)??

THAT is the problem. Not the fucking gun itself. Or the bullets, or the magazines, or any of the fun stuff I can attach to it to make it looks more “tacticool”

soccer moms need to pull the sand out of their vaginas, elected officials need to think logically and not forward bullshit agendas, RGO’s(responsible gun owners) need to maintain reform and control and expect that SOMETHING has to change a little and need to convey properly that it’s not the guns that must do so…

I’ve about had enough of reading assinine posts from both ends of the spectrum, especially the ones on “my side”

I’m sure some do, and I guess I must be in the stone age :lol They still run a background check on you after you fill that out so I’d like to think that would show up but I’m sure due to patient doctor confidentiality it does not. We don’t have a perfect system but limiting what law abiding citizens can do is not the solution to stop crime or crazy people.

but limiting what law abiding citizens can do is not the solution to stop crime or crazy people.

Most of these people are “law abiding citizens” until they commit their act.


Actually…I’m pretty sure something like 96% of gun violence is committed with an illegally obtained weapon, making most people that commit a violent crime with a firearm already criminals.

We aren’t talking about gang violence or crime ring stuff. Neither us or the news really care about them killing each other.

The concern is and always has been, quiet suburbs and schools erupting into mass shootings, Virginia Tech, Colorado, Penn etc, by people who appear normal or a slight bit off in hindsight that can acquire whatever munition they want for their plans, most of time legally and execute their plan.

That’s where people freak out.

Hoodrats can use tanks on each other and nobody will care.

quoted for truth

Wrong. You say the news doesn’t care about thug on thug or gang… we know they do use that…cause those are the statistics and numbers they use to try to attack the topic.

But correct, the populous doesnt care one bit about that.
And with dirt socialists like Piers Morgan,he takes it to a new extreme.

Are you guys really using Anthrax and chemical weapons as a argueing point when discussing the 2nd amendment? Since when were biological weapons and poisons protected under an amendment protecting our right to own guns? Hell, throw cars in there too, they are used to kill millions of people every year. Seriously?

Oh,and Boxer…good news, my sister is soccer mom… who saw this story yesterday and went out and bought a shot gun… it changed her from not careing about gun rights, to realizing…hmmm…


I am a gun noob, but wouldn’t a run of the mill shotgun with shot instead of slugs make one hell of a mess in your house… and potentially risk family collateral damage? As in say the intruder is between you and your family members… if ya shoot at the intruder you are going to pepper your family too. I would also assume that bird/buck shot would go right through half inch sheetrock and hollow walls too, so if your kids room is off to the left or right you might be hitting them too.

if your shooting a slug theres a good chance of it going straight through someone and still being lethal, buckshot and bird shot dont scatter how people say they do, in a house if your shooting a target more than 7 yards away from you that would be considered far, and even then the spread of the shot is nowhere near as wide as a torso, if you miss with buck or bird shot it might go through a wall, if you miss with a slug its more than likely going through a couple of rooms.

gov’t dont know if i have a nuke or anyone else for that matter.

also on this topic i should add that we dont need laws to live. laws help the 1% and make them profit.

a law to me is not needed. good people with morals is needed. simple things effect people. so why not invest in making people happier and better people?

a law doesnt help you from getting shot while watching a movie, a law doesnt protect you. its just a piece of paper with words. try standing behind that when a insane killer approachs you

a crazy insane person doesnt care if it says no guns. he will still shoot you. but if the good guy sees no guns he will not bring his gun. so he will not be able to protect his things. i blame the good guys for allowing that to happen. there shouldnt be any gun free zones. there should be no crazy people allowed zones. i have been in places where thousands of good people have guns and nothing bad has every happened. so why blame the gun?

i say no crazy people zones at every school.

my definition of a written law is: words written on paper that makes money for rich people and it usually says not to do something.

also if you do what it says not to do you could get in trouble by the law. then most of the time you pay the rich.

most of the laws that effect you were payed for by you. why do you let it happen? stand up and dont let them make more. you see without the laws and paper will still are here. a law doesnt make you do something. it doesnt stop bad folks either. most laws take good peoples rights and then make them good guys pay $$$$.

i still think we should handle bad guys and put them in there place but i shouldnt need a law for that. morals are needed and good men and women. also we need fit parents or better places for kids to go.

so why have laws if they dont help us?

a wax slug is the best home defense slug. it hits hard then breaks apart before leaving the bad guy. leaving your family safe in the other room.

breaching rounds is what they were designed for. they break into birdshot after they do damage.

oo and most buck shot will go through and kill you fam in other room. 00 buck is multiple .38cal pellets and 000 is .40cal±. the speed of the bullets is enough to pass right through multiple walls

the shotgun can have a choke that changes the pattern of the shot. so it you have your choke open it will have a larger spread than if it was closed.

best advice is to bring your gun to range and shoot it with the buckshot and bird shot to see its apttern at a certain distance.

most HD incounters are within 15ft