starts around west senica orchard park, right by the tools heading toward PA. it goes to springville. once in springville if you continue on the 219 it turns into a regular road instead of a highway, which goes to ellicotville.
I personally run into this shit all the time. Male/female/truck/car/minivan/x3(boxxa) IT DOESN’T MATTER.
THERE WILL ALWAYS BE STUPID DRIVERS. If everyone posted their daily d-bag driver rant we could start a separate fucking forum… and nobody wants that.
I <3 the 198.
Lets start a movement… Every shitty driver we encounter, we kill immediately. If we each kill one every day, maybe by the time we’re all 50, the roads will be safe again lol.
And yet we’re all human, and will inevitably make a driving error. So go ahead and start by deading yourself. Thanks.
yes their is a lot of poor drivers, but i particularly HATE the 219. it doesnt fail. its the only road i pretty much 99% of the time driving it do 10mph under the speed limit because of some fucking dip that doesnt know how to put his foot down to at least do the speed limit