My boyfriend delivers and fixes kitchen equipment for restaurants and such and he delivered some stuff to Yings a while back and said to never eat there. Their kitchen was FULL of health code violations.
Not from what he says…
There are SOME decent places
ive NEVER heard anyone say “yea, i saw their kitchen, i would eat there in a heartbeat”
some places are just worse then others … like the jack in the box or what ever it was out in colorodo … bags of fries laying open on the ground, hamburgers on the floor, still 1/2 frozen …
yings is awful
sals sucks too
im a new york pizza fan, but even there sometimes its ruff
You or anyone else for that matter will be welcome to see behind my counter anytime you would like.As far as health code violation,some are pretty stupid but most are fairly legit.
I’m going to do my best to keep within the codes as it is really not all THAT hard to get a decent report.They will find a few things tho as I think they have to write down something.The guy I evicted had 2+ pages of violations last time and 100% no need for that.