240 question

should i replace my 93 240sx for a 95 240sx or just stick it out?
would there be any advantages to this besides the newer year? :?

Different interior, different styling. No major mechanical differences. I would keep your S13.

what if i have 200 plus kms on my s13

Well is it rusty? Well maintained?

If there are no problems with it I dont see why you would want to upgrade. Just like the styling better? The only reason I would want an S14 is because it would probably have minimal to no rust.

only rust is under trunk latch i think thats a comon rust spot for this model.and yes its well maintained. but i do like the 95 styling better and i figured since im younger and not as experienced a newer model might be better for me

I dont think an S14 will offer a younger driver much that an S13 doesnt offer. You are young, so you probably dont have money to burn, so I would say just keep it.