240sx PM'd me!!

Poll? Bets? How about a SON meet tongiht, 9pm at Mills?

Im down to meet a bass pro shop is it?

I’ll go just for the drive. Although I know NO ONE will show up.

Lots of bars in the area anyway :rolleyes:

You do know nitescream is big and black right? lol

This…is true!!!:slight_smile:

Why would you go and open up the race bucket?

Oh boy!!! lol

Sweet so official Son meet. 9pm at the closest bar to Bass Pro shops :slight_smile:

I didn’t mean it in a racial way at all actually! And sorry If I offended anyone. I’m just saying… he looks like he can fuck shit up.

I’ll go for the show…

Why the silence on both contenders end all the sudden?


Well thats because I am a big black guy lol! ssshhhhh cause its my secret weapon!! lol

on my way to work!!.. I’ll be back in 1 hour!!

A car meet at a bar? You don’t use logic very often do you? You and your gold bricks…

K everyone. Chill the fuck out, this is TOO FUNNY. I know Junior don’t like me, that’s cool. I known 240sx (Nick) for a while man, he’s a good guy. Nobody likes when they’re shit get’s e-owned, but Nick man, just put it down, give up. I don’t know if Junior will fight you, but he wanted to kill me for some reason like a year or 2 ago. If Francis and David didn’t know me, I probably wouldn’t be posting this.

Nick, chill the fuck out LOL.

madddd PM war probably?

maybe we`ll meet up with tom and cruise down

Beer here! Get your beer here…

Yeah, I know lol. I met you a couple times. Chillin dude I would say.

I gotch yo back? :rolleyes: lmfao. Scronny white kid and a big black man runnin show.

In all reality…I’ll just run shit over with my truck if nothing happens. We need some kind of entertainment!

dont worry OSAD, we kool i like you (NO HOMO)

I give this thread less than an hour.

Get your post count up boys! All it’s good for.

hey! dont you have parents that are cops!! we pilots we cant be advocating things like this… drinking and driving or drinking a flying lol

okay NOW IM GONE TO WORK!!! BE Back on when i get to work!! 1 hour plus

Leave my gold bricks out of this! The G allows us to have a beer and shot the shit. If your tolerance is that low you can come with us and have an orange juice box or something.