Members beware Warning.

Ive been asked to post this so here it is.

ok jsut wanted to let people know about a user on our boards tony240

we canot ban him as of now becaus he hasent done anything wrong but just letting everyone know his actions in the past. and not to disclose to anyone your adress… if you sell somthing meet half way etc and always cover your licence plates when you post pictures of you car… just a heads up. if people feel uncomfortable with this. you can feel free to post the link in pulic area. ( link and what you want to add not my notes)

post your coments:

I think it was almost a moment of Kharma on Andy… he’s, ( andy), ripped off so many people in his time, ( most of them out side their ‘admin loop’ don’t even realize it which is the sad thing ), including me.

Either way… a brazen act and none too smart… Darwinian laws of nature will kick in at some point.

holy…thats crazy…and very stupid…im glad im always able to park my car in our garage

RANDOM!!! that wasnt too bright… thats a dumb criminal for you LMFAO…:smiley:

he got flammed for so long over there when ever he would make a post about anything it would always come back to him stealin shit