240sx Rice (Fanboys, click here)

  • unpainted aero
  • mismatching rims
  • PURPLE?!
  • steelies?!
  • drifting sticker
  • broken front lip
  • incomplete black trim delete

Max rice status!

Who the fuck would dress their car up like this?! They belong in the Pride Parade.




If SON were a corporation… repost*x

Can you spot A_Ahmed?


my super driftn posser riced out 240sx
but it was day time so i didnt turn on my underglow

If you like your car and you’re proud of it. That’s all that matters.

It’s like you’re saying one thing but then showing me different.

But to make you feel better, look at all the people that only had good things to say about your car. If anything, you just gained more rep.

Thanks for your support. However, we barely get any 240s from SON at our track days…all the 240s that usually come are good friends of mine.

This post made my head explode.

Is this sarcasm wrapped in sarcasm wrapped in sarcasm wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in an enigma?

Im so confused.


hahahah, ive never seen it. Good post.

its my ricey, overfender car…
someone took time to look through the pic’s so instead of just a rim shot. i gave u guys the whole car…

Someone NEEDS to post a pic of Fobwall’s car.

Grip = Rice

=P j/k

Also: People on this site need to stop acting like their opinion is one shared by others. There’s one thing having an opinion (which Mark was stating in his first post) and then another enforcing that opinion onto others as though they HAVE to agree with it.

Like the whole Ziptie thing. Mark and NeveR (who seems to be doing nothing but arguing) don’t like it. Fine with me, but don’t go insulting it or telling people to fix it because it annoys you.

Cause frankly, even in person, if you said you didn’t like Zipties and told me I should change it cause you think it’s stupid…

I’d just say no-one gives a shit what you think.

this thread is ridiculous

stop starting shit

If I remember correctly, you drove your hatch with rear quarter panel damage and never fixed it.

Ok, so apparently my car is rice…

I wasn’t sure that STOCK oem aero was rice…I’m actually a little confused now that it comes to mind.

Mark, I know you hate my two-tone, but guess what? So do I!
You think I give a shit about what my car looks like? Hey wait, Isn’t that the opposite of rice? On a second thought, Mark…you care about looks no? Isn’t that kinda like your definition of “Rice”? Come to think of it…It is.

I can’t justify paying $1000+ for a paint job when sooner or later i’m going to put my car into a wall. Its a tracked vehicle, why waist money on things i don’t need? I didn’t realize form came before function.

According to you my car is Rice correct? Oh wait…I have the last word therefore, My statement matters. I’m sick of you calling everyone out on what YOU don’t like, and pushing that opinion, just as Josh said, on others. You’ve got no aero, Advans, and an SR…Does that give you the power to tell others what or what not they should do based on what you say? If so, fuck, buy me an SR, take off my aero, paint my car, and get me some Advans. I don’t even like Advans but did i mention that before? No.

I think it’s about time you’ve stopped your bickering and complaining and start proving yourself. Your track days don’t mean much if your going to come back with a response regarding them. We all know you can’t drift, and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to have a little accident with such a nice car now would you?

See thats where both you and I differ from each-other. My car comes function before form, and i don’t have money to waist on something I find no reason in investing in. But in your case hey, maybe you got lucky, had some extra cash to spend…congratulations. Glad your paint is better than mine? Make you happy? Again, I don’t care.

Your car may or may not be functional for track…but never will you ever push your car as hard as it needs to be pushed. Never will you push yourself the way most of our community does for this scene. Never will you be able to understand why people like us don’t care about using rattle can paint jobs, stretched tires, and ridiculously low cars. That is the reason I still…Don’t care.

I’ve kept my mouth shut for some time now, and respecting you a little when you see me in person, saying “Hi” and what not, never have we had a conversation, and we never shall. The immaturity you’ve presented here has allowed loss of ALL respect for you and all that you’ve stood for. Do not say Hi, Do not mention my name, and Do not confront me ONLINE to bicker away…Say what you’ve got to say in person Mark. I’ve yet to see this shit disturber attitude in person…

As for MTD’s, as someone has just stated to me…prepare to see a couple less 240’s at your track days. I’ve never gone, but i definatly don’t plan to now.

Enjoy all.

And Mark…If you do come to realize what you’ve now shown for yourself here, than by all means let me know…but again, In Person is the only way you’ll EVER get respect.

I’ve had the last words, and hopefully I was able to express what most couldn’t. Thank you.
