26 hours till

the / of BurnyD:itr41:

oh noes :x:

haha burnyd getting :owned:

actually it is 26 till quik’s head finnaly fucking explodes!

nah been wearing my helmet so the head cant get any larger

Is it DOT approved?

fuck u,what did u do nothing,so go though a nother ineedafreindkegger u bitch!

its ok brian, sometimes you need to do that to get your selfesteem up

you would know, its the one you wore when you used to lick the windows on the tard cart

Aaww…one post about ur not worthyness of drinking n u get all up on my shit,lame…it was a joke,grow up toys r us kid:blah:

grow,i told u when u where here with mac why i left early,it about my wife so the what fucks me off ,& ur toys r us kid shit is lame as u!!

i know the real reason man,n i was just fucking eith u! get that trhough ur fucking head!!! or can’t u!!! take a fucking joke!!!:stick:


get it in ur head,when it come to my FAMILY i get fucking nuts bitch!


Dont hold it back let it all out now! Hopefully you will have none left for tomorrow night.

NO get it through ur fucking head for once n for all!!!,i don’t talk shit on ur family casue i have respect for u!!! T ake a joke n nothing was ever said about ur family! ever!!! take a fucking chill pill n get that shit through ur fucking head brian!!!

Don’t mind me, just passing thru :drama:

why is everybody yelling?!?!?

bunnyD is going to get :owned:

just / urself now

u said i left early & knew the reson,so knowing that,its a knock on my wife !
so learn what u preach candy ass!