27 dead in school shooting

people can make most things. just like legos, the rocket launcher will require knowledge, know how , tools and supplies. it can be made by whoever has those. whos to say my local ganster isnt a smart engineer and capable of building those things? money makes people do things they wouldnt have before

can you proove to me a law works? if we have more laws then every before and more and more people are considered criminals how does more laws or even laws in general work even 1% of the time?

if you show a bad guy a piece of paper is that going to stop him? lmao

i am not attacking your posts. i am just debating. i value your opnion just like everyone else on this fourm. so dont take what i type as negitive its just my perspective. sometimes i like taking the other side to just see what you would type. or how you would approach it