27 dead in school shooting


Flame on.

We don’t know all the facts of whether she bought them for him, allowed him access or he gained access against her will. Other gun owners shouldn’t pay for this woman’s mistakes though.

From what I saw from an interview of her friends, she had these guns and frquented the range and even brought her son and had him shoot. Apparently she was pretty responsible with them, her son who did actually have a known medical conditon (asperger’s) got a hold of them and did the unthinkable. Very sad situation, no gun laws will ever be able to stop what happened. It’s a sad part of life.

The kid wasn’t nuts like the country is so quick to cast over as blame. If the kid wanted to kill his mother, do you think he would turn the weapon on her while at the shooting range with her? Or target her when he knew she and EVERYONE else was unarmed. It was opportunistic thinking on his part, as dark as that may seem. Was it determined that he shot her first then went after the kids? I can only assume after pulling the trigger the biggest “oh shit” moment clicked in his head and that’s when he went “nuts”. Just thinking out loud here.

Helps my point above. The mental illness shit blows my mind. Its so easy to point the mentally fucked finger at someone, especially when they are dead in this case, or point it at someone who did something the majority disagreed with. Anyone here, could pass a mental check with flying colors, and on the ride home with the A+ on their test, decide to prove society wrong and start shooting. Humans have the ability to think for themselves. Getting back to the idea that someone not completely brain dead is still formulating thoughts prior to actions… this kid had a plan, he took action on that plan when, where, and how he saw fit. He knew he had a 100% chance of successfully carrying out his plan… because NOBODY could stop him. Do you think he would try the same shit in a home in Georgia? NOPE. Or atleast probably think twice about it… BECAUSE THAT 100% CHANCE OF NOBODY STOPING HIM WOULD BE FAR LESS, WOULDN’T IT!

The answer is, there is no answer. It’s a hunk of metal, that fires a bullet. A bullet with a purpose behind it. I could take a steel pipe a pair of vicegrips and a ball peen hammer and fire a round off and kill someone if I wanted to. The combination of physical objects and the purpose behind it essentially is the same. If you want some decent answer, maybe because it’s a bigger, meaner looking compilation of steel, that when the person on the opposite end with ill intentions sees it might triple guess their actions, where a punny little .22 pistol pointed at them they might only second guess their actions.

If I could arm my household, and have the law behind my actions if they needed to be carried out, I would put sentry guns and missile launchers on my front porch… do I NEED them any more than a little pistol? NOPE, but damn they look mean as fuck don’t they!

LOL I just watched that south park episode lastnight. The Ass Burgers one.
Exactly. Nobody, no science, no medication, no god damn anything will ever put an end to tragedy. Its like running a business, you know its impossible to earn ALL the money, so you do the best you can to get as much of it as you can. Do as much that can help people when shit hits the fan. Wrapping millions of people in bullet proof bubble wrap, and framing the buildings with solid steel and lexan is retarded and useless waste. Allowing people to protect themselves and others, anywhere any time, is about the easiest, widest spread, cheapest way to actually have a shot at effecting the outcomes of tragic events like these.

So, he wasn’t mentally disturbed? Lol.

I must have forgot that only clinically sane people go into a fucking grade school and kill children.

Anybody can snap, literally anyone at any time. It’ll never be something we can calculate or predict with any sort of accuracy.

Giants played terrible but post game interview with Cruz made me happy. Glad to see he is reaching out and even headed there today.

Doesn’t cure anything obviously, but it is good to see some good headlines too.

people die from alot of things… should we ban everything? or better yet lets nerf the world. lmao

also how do you know what would of happened if he had a .22? i know any bullet going inside a body is dangerous and deadly. you dont know what would of happened. .22 kill more people than alot of other rounds because its cheap and easy for a ganster to get

guns do not kill people. people kill people…they just use guns. they use alot of other things too. someone could kill you with a punch, should we cut there hands off? or make it harder to use there hands?

i say legalize the constitution dont regulate it.

i like most of your views except the laws point.

laws are there to make money for towns and gov’t. they do not stop anyone.

i would rather have good people in my world with no laws. because people that are good have morals. everyone has a different view but morals should be universal.

if you have a world of bad people and millions of laws and regulations do you think the law stops the bad people? of course not. look at the place now. we have more laws then ever before and we have more bad people then every before. more and more are in jails and prisons

good people stop bad people not a silly law.

a law doesnt do much to protect me from a criminal. but owning a gun sure does.

also some laws could prevent good people from stoping bad guys. thats why i dont think we as humans need laws for people to profit from.

oo and buying illegal stuff is alot easier than buying online obviously. i cant buy a rocket launcher online but i can at a local gansters house. also for me to get a pistol i need all this paper work…not at the gansters house i just need money.


alot of great posts in here.

the shift518 debate at it again. i feel like i learn something everytime i log in

what if some terriorst is in my neighborhood? and i need to take out 10 of them terrorist bad guys? and nobody is around to help me. would that be a good time to need one?

what if china or another random foregin country invades and the usa needs as much help as we can. having citizens with guns is better than just military in that case.

and a real reason is rights. thats the best one i think.

Nobody, and no science I know of can prove yeah or nay with this dead kid.

Even if he was alive, do you honestly think ANYONE would give him a fair swing at sitting on a leather sofa at a physiologists office to find out or not? NO fucking way. If they DID, and by some stroke of who knows what found he wasn’t a nut case, would be shunned from their profession for life. LOL the stones it would take to release that information that physiologist would have

Yep, it doesn’t matter one way or the other. Martha Stewarts better twin sister could just say ahh fuck it and start shooting, with no “tell-tale mental illness signs” leading up to it.

Probably the best, most logical response in the last 9 pages, and amongst all the people I talked with about this subject. The only thing I would change was the part about the laws are there just to make money, but I know that wasn’t your bottom line. They money is generated to allow for the laws to be processed. The laws are supposed to be there to protect us. Make some asshole second guess their actions based on the consequences by the letter of the law. If they don’t care, it doesn’t make alick of difference. If they do, they either say Nope, not going to risk it, or say well “35-life isnt that bad I guess)… or worse. The lack of standing by the law completely tarnishes that last point. It changes the “30-life isnt that bad, and I know it will get reduced to 5-10, and I could be out on good behavior in 2 years”. So they do it anyway.

On the flip side, the law should also be there to protect the people by allowing them to stay safe. Getting jumped at a bar, and fighting back will still land you in jail for a night at least. Forcibly stopping an intruder at your house fist or bullet will probably land you in jail too. But hey, luckily they aren’t upheld strictly in court, so fuck it right… pay the fine and have to tell a future employer “Yes I was convicted of a crime” and IF you make it to the interview, explain it was defending your family from a robber. They are poorly written, and carried out in courts for those situations.

And I won’t even get into law suits.

If guns were handed out to every citizen tomorrow, we would all be in the same boat. Nobody would fire for protection, for fear of wrongfully being held accountable.

A lot has to change.

Go ahead.

Find me a rocket launcher or a flame thrower at your “local gangsters house”


Prove me wrong.

Saying laws don’t work at all and you wanna live in a lawless land? Yeah have fun with that.

They work, just never 100% of time.


LOL you would be surprised. My friend busted a growers house in Schodack. Dude had a basement with 100’s of trees, elaborate computer controlled hydration and nutrition tracking system. My buddy is a computer nerd and was impressed at how bad ass the setup was. Anyway, they found lots of cool shit. The dude had some homemade cannons, robotic remote controlled guns, and all kinds of odd shit. No flame thrower or rocket launchers, but the dude was smart as shit and if he wanted to he probably would have had them too.

ANNNND, talk to some detectives’ in big cities, they find a lot of BIG guns, and crazy shit along the lines of rocket launchers and shit. MONEY talks, if they want it, they will have it.

people can make most things. just like legos, the rocket launcher will require knowledge, know how , tools and supplies. it can be made by whoever has those. whos to say my local ganster isnt a smart engineer and capable of building those things? money makes people do things they wouldnt have before

can you proove to me a law works? if we have more laws then every before and more and more people are considered criminals how does more laws or even laws in general work even 1% of the time?

if you show a bad guy a piece of paper is that going to stop him? lmao

i am not attacking your posts. i am just debating. i value your opnion just like everyone else on this fourm. so dont take what i type as negitive its just my perspective. sometimes i like taking the other side to just see what you would type. or how you would approach it

Anyone here been to Canada? Ever notice life there is pretty much like life in the states? Anyone know what the latest homicide rate is in Canada? Try 1.6 victims per 100,000 people. Want to try to hazzard a guess what it is in the US?..Try 4.2 per 100,000! Anyone want to try to guess what the main reason mght be? Could it possibly be that Canada has actively tried to control guns and ammunition for over the last 100 years? It is not illegal to own, hand guns, rifles, etc in Canada. It is extremly regulated though. And, once you are licensed, it has to be re-newed every 5 years.
Now then, does all this work 100% of the time? Of course not, but it is pretty obvious that it helps.
BTW, I am a gun owner/pistol permit holder and I welcome more stringent controls…

look at my local leballs pizza shop. they got busted for selling illegal firearms and explosives… a pizza shop. whso to say the child day care ladies dont sell guns on the side?

and even this guy doesnt shoot to kill, just uses it to get his points across.


in my opinion if your going to own a gun and carry it with you ( if you have a permit to carry a hand gun) be prepared to use it and know how to use, clean and maintain a gun , when and if i get my pistol permit if i have it on me i will be prepared to use it for self defence im not gonna carry it for no apparent reason, but i more then likely wont ever carry the gun on me, as that in my opinion is stupid and dangerous.