27 dead in school shooting

Anonymous caught wind of Westboro’s plans for a vigil in Newtown, Ct… this might get fucking epic…

http://pastebin.com/pCTSgLTJ (<===SSN, addresses, phone numbers, personal info, etc…)


Oh wow…

as it stands now, even if you carry it legally, and shoot someone in defense… you are still going to jail. You dont even have to kill them, if ya do thats worse.

right from a cops mouth.

until the ability to carry is opened up AND the laws for self defense are worked on severly. Like you said, there isnt a point to carrying it.

+1 for Anonymous.

i hope they stomp them out

Oh I kno, even if shoot someone in your house as self defense first shoot to kill because like u said if they live they will sue the living shit out of you, but your still getting handcuffed and taken away untill proper court prodecings and what not, anyone carrying a weapon should have a legit reason for it not just to carry it because it’s cool to have a gun hanging from your waist (such as the idiot retired cop in Colonie center that shot himself with a .22) my good friend is a state trooper and I’ve talked to him indepth about gun laws and home defense and what not, very cool dude he runs all my vins for me and guns that I buy, you have no idea how many stolen bikes I’ve run into in the past year that I’ve tried to buy,

theres a great example of your robin hood gang

i fixed that for you deleted some things.

NY gun laws are retarded. That’s about all I’m going to say about that. I’m just glad to be back in the south where people look at you weird if you DON’T own a firearm. :slight_smile:

i would rather be alive going through the law process then dead. thats my stand on that one.

it shouldnt be illegal to defend yourself.

cool story bro… let me know when someone sees you carrying while your in a hostile situation and shoots you first :slight_smile:

i agree with you 100%

I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any means, but the guy next to me at work just mentioned this… random, but I thought I’d share for the hell of it.

Then make it a clause in the self defense laws that when found NOT guilty, I get my bail money, court fees and lawyer fees returned to me. And pay for my time out of work, and a mandatory news release setting the record straight.

but yeah, even if those far fetched things above arent met, atleast you are still alive.

hard to use statistics like that to compare countries though. canada at about 38 million vs usa at about 300 million, or in terms of PDensity, it’s 9:1 vs about 85:1(people per sqaure mile)

I do however agree in the regulation terms, relicensing on a reulated basis, etc. As a responsible gun owner I do feel THAT is a good thing just the same as registering ALL firearms, not just pistols. If one feels that registering all guns is a bad idea, then they have somethig to hide…

I sent a letter to my congressman and both NYS senators concerning pending and upcoming legislation of firearm controls just now. I said we have a mental health problem, NOT a gun problem. I also said I’d like to see it so if someone’s seen a psychiatrist or has been on any psychotropic drugs such as anti-depressants in the last five years that they be evaluated before being to purchase a firearm.

Mental health affects far more people in this country than firearms ever will, unfortunately.


wow thats kinda interesting im not one for conspiracy theories but thats wild

If presence of guns and armed people prevents violence among gun owners can somebody explain to me why gang violence exists or people have no problem participating in warfare?

Either way the mother was definitely a problem for allowing this to happen on multiple levels. I can’t imagine being shot by own gun regardless of the circumstances. Somebody drops the ball when that happens.

Teachers in a TX county will be allowed to carry:

Looks like that article is 4yrs old.