27 dead in school shooting

I dont agree about her allowing her known child with a mental issue near firearms and using them. I don’t classify that as a responsible gun owner. For all we know those guns could’ve been locked up in a gun safe. After mom is dead a lock has no purpose.

Some will argue a gun locked and unloaded is a useless gun. If someone chooses to keep a loaded firearm out for home defense purposes, they may do so. Nothing wrong with that. Completely legal. Good judgement needs to be used, however.

In the state of Vermont you may open or conceal carry, no license or permit is needed because they don’t exist. No guns are registered. There is no waiting period unless you are “flagged” during the phone call to the ATF during the initial purchase. I will honestly say I have never had a need or want to conceal carry or open carry yet. If you want to carry, have at it. I could care less. Vermont has the second lowest crime rate next to New Hampshire.

The “panic” you speak of is your possible last chance to purchase a firearm you’ve been looking at or thinking about that will be unobtainable in the near future. Most gun owners aren’t viewing this as the end of the world event but an end of a model or style of firearm. Just like people went out and cleaned house on Twinkies. Some buy to hold and resell, some buy now before the price goes up. Some buy now for parts and accessories, once a part breaks on your gun that’s no longer in production you either have parts so you can continue to use that firearm or have parts custom made at a higher price if you can find someone willing to do so. It’s like someone finding 12 new MKII Jetta GLIs in a warehouse that someone kept. Are they worth more and of more value to those looking for parts?

On the other end of the spectrum, you have the others that prepare for December 21st and a financial meltdown. While its excessive and most likely not needed, they’re not breaking any laws. The story on Wikipedia states that Nancy Lanza had these guns for that reason.

I don’t even like to scroll through my news feed on facebook at this point because its either pro-gun, anti-gun, help the families of Newtown, or other complaints about the matter.

But like I said, removing guns completely will never be possible. They’ll be illegal guns still lingering. Everyone is referencing Switzerlands gun laws and low rate of crime, but ignore the fact Switzerland has no standing army. Once you turn 20 you’re automatically in it until 34 unless you continue. Would that help our issue? Who knows. If you look at other countries, some require an extensive psychiatric evaluation before being issued a permit to purchase a gun and require a re-evaluation every X number of years. Ideally that’s best but banning a group of guns with a bad name like “assault weapon” sounds more effective.

And having teachers with guns is absolutely the LAST thing that should be done. Teachers should not have to make a decision to take someone’s life. Not to mention if you have kids in the class that don’t get along, you have an easily accessible firearm in each classroom. Knock the teacher out, grab the gun, now you have a problem.