27 dead in school shooting

I do think NY needs a castle law. It’s a great deterrent.

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We do have a castle law. We do not have a “Stand your ground” law though.

But it’s a weak law. PA it’s on your property and vehicle. They don’t have the retreat inside thing.

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Plastic tarps. Duct tape. Chainsaw. Wood chipper. Problem solved.

Just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean others shouldn’t have the choice to own them. I think that anyone that is so willing and eager to give up their freedom and not fight for it to get the illusion of safety is a pussy. They are trying to take the easy way out. The only guaranteed outcome of that would be that other people have more control over you is all.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
– Benjamin Franklin

4-2 2-23 out of Ft Lewis. Yup I deployed to Iraq for 13 months, getting ready for Afghan. We dont bring commo guys out of the wire. Our rto was another 11b who got sent to rto school. You may have pulled security but you have a CAB not a CIB on your chest.

So if that’s your answer to the owning of a supercar, why shouldn’t I own a semi auotmatic AR15(that’s NOT an assault weapon no matter how you shake it)that holds 20 rounds and go to a tactical gun shoot for some friendly time based competition?

I am in the process of building an AR .223 right now and I 100% plan on using it for hunting. My 30-06 Remington will have a longer range and much more take down power, but I prefer the AR because of the lack of recoil. Although I will never label myself as a veteran, I trained for 3.5 years in the ROTC every single day carrying around an M16 and quite a few weekends shooting and using an M16 and I grew accustom to it. I love it for its lack of recoil, accuracy, and mostly reliable action. Right now I have really messed up shoulders as some of the people on here can attest to, so shooting my 30-06 actually causes pain… which is why I will be hunting all small game next year with my AR and only using my Remington for big game.

So tell me again how an ‘assault weapon’ is only used for killing people…

Its called having a choice, let me ask you this…do you NEED the car you drive? Or is there a much more basic, safer and cheaper car you can buy to get where it is you need to go each day?

People are killed by car accidents everyday in this country. So should we only be allowed to own safer cars and not what we want to spend our money on?

Oh and don’t come in here with your military stories like this is some “who has a bigger dick contest.”

That’s it… time for a ban on everything but a Smart car!!!

And to add to my post above, I’m sure my Remington could do a lot more damage. I can easily pick up a 5 round magazine for it, keep multiple mags in my pockets (they are fairly small) and I now have a much higher range than MOST AR’s out there. Like someone posted before, the DC Sniper is a perfect example. Any weapon can cause harm IN THE WRONG HANDS. And the wrong hands normally don’t own them legally so no ban will change that.

Regardless of your views vs my views vs whatever, Thank you for your service. I will never disrespect a veteran regardless of what they believe… except for USMC2801… lol.

I don’t think it’s legal to hunt with a .223 in NY. Mainly due to the fact that it will not be a very clean kill. What are you hunting?

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Just to clarify.

Are you still against guns in general or just guns in the wrong hands?

It is legal, but you cannot use a magazine that holds more then 5 rounds.

From the assault “weapon” page:

… is a political term

Meaning it was created by politicians. Do you consider a rifle a weapon? If so, then the definition for assault rifle IS the actual definition for assault weapon.

I believe it’s legal in NY, but most frown upon it because it may not be an ethical kill as .223 is considered a varmint round. It’s fine to hunt coyotes, rabbit, and predators though.

My cousin uses his AR .223 right now for deer and has no problem… just have to make sure it’s a clean shot. I however only plan on using it for smaller game and possibly varmint/predators. I prefer to use my 30-06 on larger game to make sure its a clean kill.

It can be created by Jesus. That doesn’t change the fact that, that IS what Assault Weapon is by created definition.


assault weapon

noun any of various automatic and semiautomatic military firearms utilizing an intermediate-power cartridge, designed for individual use. Compare assault rifle.

Merriam Webster defines Assault weapon as semi automatic version of an assault rifle - IE the civilian legal equivalent of the military gun.

Assault Weapon
An automatic or semiautomatic weapon that holds 30 or more rounds of ammunition and which is generally understood to fire one bullet each time the trigger is pulled. There is no technical military definition of assault weapon other than that referring to a weapon used in a military assault operation. The US Army does define the term assault rifle as a short, compact, selective-fire weapon that fires a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges

AR15 is an Assault Weapon anyway you spin by definition. Regardless of who created it, it’s an appropriate way to describe that weapon.

It’s not a hunting rifle, it’s not a home defense rifle, it’s an army gun modified for civilian use. Just you can use it for other things, doesn’t change it’s original intent, to be used as a weapon of war.

How are you even arguing this? Cognitive dissonance isnt healthy.

Wilson Combat developed the 7.62X40 round for their AR specifically for game hunting such as wild boar.

Vermont limits the amount of rounds in your firearm for hunting, as to make it more sporting rather than running through the woods with a 75-round drum attached to your AR playing Rambo with deer.

I have never been against guns in my life. I hunt I enjoy shooting targets. I own a pistol and a rifle.

I just think it needs to be controlled. If you can say it is and truly feel that way I’m sorry i just cant agree. 20 dead kids. Fucking 20!

You know for target shooting you could buy a bushmaster carbon 15 .22. Just as fun cheaper ammo. If this guy would have went into the school with one of those you would have wounded and less dead.

I just hope it doesn’t get blown over like oh well just another school shooting what’s for diner.

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Yes. I know the clear cut definition between an assault rifle, a machine gun, and a semi automatic weapon that may be able to carry 20-30 rounds in a single magazine.

My post was in reference to comments he made in posts 145 and 164, and his response to the car question. Apples and oranges? Yes and no. He can state that cars don’t go into a school and kill kids but then in that sense neither do guns. The person behind the implement does. Some wackjob can just as easily jack a dump truck and drive right through the side of a school and kill just as many people. So should we take away all the dump trucks? You take away the guns and the crazies will either still get them, or find some other means to do what they plan. I won’t even begin to list the ways that could be accomplished rather easily in this world we live in and believe me their far easier than running into a building guns a-blazing…

Taking away guns, or banning certain types of semi auto guns is not going to solve anything. Adding guns and armed guards/citizens to the schools is not going to solve anything either. The problem is at the level of the human mind. This kid was fucked up in the head. Absolutely no excuse for what horrors he did that day, none.

The anti-gun people are so up in arms over assault weapons when assault weapons are not the problem and are extremely rare in use in this scenarios(ACTUAL assault weapons, not semi autos with lots of ammo at hand). They tend look at all weapons as assault weapons and it’s not right and get wrapped up in that mental state. Believe me, IF BANNING ALL GUNS WOULD STOP ALL THIS GUN VIOLENCE PERMANENTLY I WOULD GIVE UP MY GUNS…But it won’t so you can forget about it. If you think it will you are living in a dream world. Take away the black rifles and they just move to pistols, take those away and there’s shotguns. Do not take this the wrong way as it was a horrible thing, but there are FAR worse things that could have been used to do this some of which are so substantially more easy to get than guns. The mag capacity argument is a moot point as well. Magazine capacity has nothing to do with this as one can carry ten 30 round mags or 30 ten rounds. It all weighs the same and occupies the same space and doesn’t reduce any amount of time to deal that damage when all things considered.

I can’t even finish this post now as I’m all worked up now. Lost my train of thought. I’ve gotta get back to CNC’ing shit anyway.

This kid was fucked in the head, not even human in my opinion, to have done this horrible act of violence towards a bunch of young children.