27 dead in school shooting

I already have 3 AK’s so I’m not too worried, I don’t need any more assault weapons. But I still think they are going to make some moves to restrict them so probably a good time to buy while you still can.

That fucking scumbag, its too bad he died. I know its unrealistic, both because he is dead and many people wouldn’t got for it, but I would have liked seeing him dragged through the streets and beaten to death by a lynch mob. I’m not for cruel and inhuman punishment but this sort of case warrants it, we know exactly who did it, no doubt about it, and the only motive was being a sorry excuse for a human being. Medieval people had some ideas about that, they would pour molten iron down someones throat, I would go for that here.

Stupid asshole probably didn’t even realize or care about the pain he has caused all of these families, I cant even fathom how you could decide to do something like that, its like he went out of his way to hurt kids who are innocent.

Seriously, I don’t like seeing this stuff in the news but rarely am I seriously upset about reading something like I was with this.

I can’t wrap my head around the thought process. Secondly, this is going to turn the US into the UK. adios freedom.

I guess my question would be what are the solutions to prevent this from happening again?

If we can’t stop people from going ape-shit and shoots random people, do we fight violence with violence and arm every single men, women and child with a gun to fend for themselves like the wild west? and does anyone thinks that is actually going to end well?

its so sad. Watching 20/20 now about it.

Its even more sickening how fucked up the media is about it tho and just alot of other people. I am seeing everywhere that people are blaming it on guns (and verbally attacking people who own guns), saying its the movies to blame, video games etc. Its all a crock of shit.

at the end of the day, a fucking nut case is a nut case. Whether he watches sick movies, owns guns etc. it shouldnt be associated with everyone else or for that shit to be blamed.

There is no “solution”.

You can’t stop every drunk diver.
You can’t stop every terrorist.
You can’t stop every texting person behind the wheel.
You can’t stop every madman with a gun.

As long as people are free, they will be free to do as they will and pay consiquences for their actions AFTER the act. Every asshole, lunatic and paranoid freak is free to do what they want.

Anybody want to reference the recent Chinese school mass stabbing? Yeah nobody died but it didn’t stop him from stabbing 30 kids.

This should be blamed more on the parents of this kid than ANY gun. There’s a reason he chose to go to the school she worked at and killed her first.

according to the 20/20 report, she was very strict raising him and was a single parent (divorced) and he never got along with her. She was a assistant teacher at the school and apparently the shooter didnt like the “better” relationship she had with her students, over him.

this was the reason why she was shot at home, then he went to the school and unloaded.

every post on facebook is about banning private gun ownership

are you all fucking retarded, deleted so many people

when i heard about this today i told my gf im getting my permit now… have wanted one for years. some people are such a fucking waste

I know it. Thats what I was referring to in my post above.

I can tell you that I dont own a gun, but after all this shit, I will own a gun.

The gun shops were busy today.

I might pick up another AK before the shitstorm happens.

I can’t imagine being a crime scene investigator having to walk through that school. That has to be the worst. That has to take a toll on you. What a fucking mess.

If the Wikipedia article is correct, which it probably is - it says the AR15 never entered the school: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting#section_1

Everyone can say the guns were purchased legally, but were they? Are straw purchases legal? Since the guns were registered to his mother as he wasn’t old enough. It’s possible she was a gun user/owner. Hard to say at this point.

Whether he acquired them legally won’t exactly matter in future debates.

The argument will be is that he had easy access to the weapons.

Regardless this should be interesting, many nuts with guns this year that make responsible owners look bad. Same as with us hanging out at the lot. Responsible people get punished for being associated with trouble makers.

I’m not giving any more input until these fucking news sources get facts straight. Now they’re saying his mother, Nancy Lanza, wasnt even a teacher at the school.

Possibly 4 guns.

We might as well say he rode a purple unicorn to the school and used a cannon.

News can’t get their shit together because they are trying to compete with infoation spreading like wildfire on twitter, Facebook, YouTube, forums, blogs, whatever.

On the other hand if they sat out and waited for all the info, the misinformation and rumor mill would fill the entire nation and establish opinions before they ever made a statement.

Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

if guns kill people then ice cream kills people simplest way to defend yourself in a gun debate

i agree.

i also think if they had a good armed person at the doors in the school it would of been different.

I cant even imagine what the medical crews and police had to see in the aftermath. That sort of thing has to affect you for your whole life.

And I just bought 2 more AK parts kits, 3 more receivers and another 1000 rounds of ammo today.

The knee jerk response coming out for bans has been crazy. Kind of like how we signed away some of our rights after 9/11. This sort of thing is truly horrible but I’m not going to sign all my rights away and live in a bubble because of it.

You’re right it would have been different.

There would be a dead armed guard added to the list of fatalities and shooter would have an extra gun as he moved on with his killing spree.