27 dead in school shooting

That’s very true.
A major event happens and we all are too willing to give up rights and freedoms for no reason. What’s with all the religious talk now too? God and prayers. Take that shit somewhere else. Kids die and you want to force religion in my face.

Or we can start sending kids to school like they do in Israel …

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I wonder if TSA and strict air port security will ever relax and become similar to pre 911 days.

Maybe we can finally bring a bottle of shampoo along even :eek

you dont know that. it could of been another way. who knows what could of happend we can only guess. your guess is good tho. every guess is a good one imo

but at the end of the day i would feel more safe next to a good guy with a gun then a teacher telling me to get under the desk. whats safer in your opnion?

now thats a good pov

Sad world we live in when people think fun toys are more important then human life.

Also sad that things like this have to exist.

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No that is not a guess.

An armed guard at an elementary school (do you even hear yourself) will just sit around all day signing people in at best, he won’t be drawing his gun on every approaching person. Element of suprise is on the shooter 100% of the time. Thats not an opinion that’s just a logical fact.

Good luck stopping a guy who just unexpectedly pulled out two pistols and already shot you.

Come up to the guard as a concerned citizen saying there is something going on and his attention is needed elsewhere and just shoot them in the back.

Unless this guy is going to draw the gun on every approaching mom and parent, interrogate them and pat them down, he would be useless waste of tax payers money. Especially at every single school in America.


Go up to the mirror and repeat out loud “Armed guards at every kindergarden, elementary, middle, high school and college in America” until you realize exactly what you’re saying and how pointless it will be.

Only thing that makes you and your idea look good are people who want absolute gun control and video game bans.

Where was your argument to ban fast cars after that kid in LI wrapped his STi around a tree and killed 4 of his friends?

the school i went to had armed good guys. i have never been shot while attending school.

i understand your point too. its a good one. i am just saying you do not know what would of happened.

if you would know because your some mystical unicorn use your powers to pick me some lotto numbers. ill split it with ya

[QUOTE=JoeD.;1003585]Sad world we live in when people think fun toys are more important then human life.

if you are talking about taking the fun out of my life because of what someone else did i am not down for that.

dont punish me for someone else’s mistakes or fuck ups.

i should not be grouped in the same category.

i am an individual and i have the right to have fun and protect myself. i should not get punished for someone elses behavior

And you have to take an exams to drive, carry insurance, and register your vehicle. Why are all deadly weapons not treated the same way? Your car is also locked with a key. What about that for your deadly weapons?

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No one said its you! But whats stopping some dude from breaking into your home when your not there and taking your weapons to shoot up a bunch of people. That’s way more likely to happen then the government taking over and you have to defend yourself as an armed militia.

People who actually think the black helicopters are watching them are crazy and need not have any weapons.

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if you understand data lok up what is more dangerous a gun or a car. look up the national average

So blame booz for drunks killing families in car accidents , blame McDonald’s for making people fat , etc . This country has turned to shit so fast due to the fact that everyone thinks there entitled to suttin for nothing . No accountabley its easier to point the finger and blame this that or suttin else for what someone else did .


thats why i dont leave my house unlocked or my guns in a easy to access spot. in ny i am responsible for that

the only thing stoping the guy from robbing me is my gun.

the govt has already taken over dumbass. this is a country rulled by govt. i dont know if you knew that living under a shell. but the us govt rules over our land

i agree with the heli part but thats off topic. the german govt once betrayed their people. whos to say it couldnt happen?

idk about you but i feel more protected with my gun.

After this mornings $1000 buying spree I now own 9 guns, 5 of them “Assault Weapons”. I personally wouldn’t mind if you had to take a mental exam to buy a gun, and afterwards you could get some sort of license number that you need to get the NICS check. I wouldn’t push for that sort of legislation but if it were passed I think there would be at least some reduction in gun deaths, with really only minor inconvenience to me, ill give up 4 hours of my life so that someone may continue to live theirs. I wouldn’t mind and if the gun control community wants compromise I would make that one.

What I do have a problem with are gun laws that infringe upon my rights, even though I am sane, peaceful and my 5 “Assault Weapons” haven’t killed anything besides a deer.


also i will defend myself no matter what. if you invade on me and i feel like its a threat to my person i will defend myself. i dont care if its a elephant or a mouse if i feel like my life is in danger my bodys natural instinct is to defend.

also look at the american revolution. why would americans revolt?

but will these regluations prevent a ganster on the street from getting a weapon? or only make it harder for us good guys to get a gun?

So the sane ones that like to shoot and collect weapons are punished?

Nothing I own is locked up. 95% of the guns I own are “assault” type firearms. Am I the next asshole to blaze up a school?

You can remove every weapon from the entire US tomorrow and I can still choke you with a piece of rope or my bare hands.

In most cases probably it wont prevent them, but it would most likely have prevented at least the Aurora shooter and other mentally unstable people from buying guns. It wont stop them all, I agree. But at least everyone will have been evaluated and some fraction will be prevented.

And the inconvenience for law abiding citizens would be very minor. I’d make the sacrifice, how hard was it to take a drivers test?