27 dead in school shooting

Drugs r illeagal , I still got em ! Fully auto weapons and mil spec r illeagal for us to have ,people still get em ! U will never stop illeagal shit from happening . Only thing that does stop is that normal people won’t be able to without going illeagal

If someone breaks into your home, steals your car, and kills someone with your car - maybe we should go back to using horses for transportation?

I think everyone needs to fucking relax with their liberal minded gun “debates”.

A $200 tax stamp and I can own full auto here in VT.

The only reason this govt is pressing for a anti gun pass is for more controll ,they just use these instances to sound sincere in there actions .

I can see that changing in the near future unfortunately.


the only thing that happens is the person who make them illegal will profit even more.

they make things illegal to make $$$$. if you speed you get a ticket, when you get a ticket you show up to court, when you show up to court they try to get you to pay a fine. they be profiting not me or you


love that pov

That should change, who needs full or semi auto weapons ? That’s no longer for protection in my opinion, nor is it for hunting / sport

Legally, one should be able to own whatever they want. 98% of the people who say we don’t need semi automatic guns can’t specifically tell me what a semi automatic gun does or how it works.

Why do we need a car over 100HP? Speed limit is 65 max.

Having this debate with my girlfriend right now. Want to put my head in an oven.

That’s what we need to get rid of. Put them in NJ and seal off the state.

How are they not for protection, hunting, or sport?

And to say who needs full-auto weapons… Do you know how hard it is to legally obtain one? Besides spending $200 for the tax stamp (in most states except NY, CT, NJ, and a few others as they don’t allow it period), full-auto transferrable guns are fucking expensive. I’m not talking $2,000. I’m talking $20,000+ for a transferrable fully auto which are all any civilian can own.

You think these people are shooting others with a $20,000 gun? No, they’re shooting them with guns that were illegally obtained to be used in an illegal manner.

This too. The cheapest full auto is a worn out MAC10 that still goes for $3K+. In addition you need to go through a lot of paperwork, fingerprints, FBI background check, and it takes at least 6 months. Most or all of your full auto owners are collectors.

Even if the Federal Assault Weapons ban is reinstated, what will that solve? Columbine happened in 1999. The ban was from 1994 to 2004. Looks like that worked well.

What’s funny is that even the ATF even stated that the FedAWB was pointless because most crimes were not committed with weapons that were considered assault weapons, and there was no decrease in crime in the 10 years it was in place. That’s one of the reasons the Bush Admin decided not to renew it despite bills being brought up in Congress (other reason being he would lose Republican voters if he did renew).

Also, with a full-auto Mac10, the dude would only be taking out ceiling tiles, not humans lol.

I saw a mac10 in action a few years back. Things about as accurate as a weatherman.

Perfect black person gun, never does its job.


The only reason an assault rifle exists is to kill people period. If you think they were made for sport your as blind as a bat. If you feel you are safer and more of a man with one get your asses down to the recruiters office.

I would say 98% have never seen what damage an assault rifle can do except in pictures. Or have seen how it effects a wife and family.

Your freedom to have a weapon that you have no real need for is not worth a single child’s life.

Exactly were do you think all illegally obtained weapons come from? 10% are stolen and the other are obtained via straw purchases. That is when I take my buddy into to store he buys it I use it. These are facts not make believe ask a cop.

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Even in this case, the one firearm he brought to the school that’s considered an “assault weapon” stayed in the fucking car. I bet the Glock he used had a 10 round magazine and not a 33 round as well. Just like Virginia Tech, every gun that idiot used was a 10 round mag.

I own a semi auto version and its a piece if shit.

Well for that all I have to say is too fucking bad. We have a right to have, despite what you think their intent was when designed. Also, no one on this site has an actual assault rifle as they’re select fire or fully auto. Not semi auto.