27 dead in school shooting

I would also like to say if you think your little M4 would save you from a tyrannical government you never saw what a hellfire missile could do. Your house would be filled with fragment of hot brass. You guys would be fucked if they wanted to. Your fantasy about living in the movie red dawn will not happen.

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That’s working so well in iraq.

How the F did this goto a hellstorm missile…

I launched one last night in BlOps from my care package. Does pretty good. The dragonfire quadrotor is more fun.


To fucking bad things are written for the time and should change as we progress. If we go by how things were written in the past maybe we should go back to bible and stone people who plant crops out of season.

Ok mr semantics assault weapon. You don’t fucking need it. Go join the military to use one or be a cop. Or are scared to be shot at by what you want to defend?

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If you’re so scared of guns, you should probably take a break from this forum. Please volunteer to take a look at murders committed by someone with a firearm in countries that have banned or severely limited private ownership of firearms. Compare it to our. Shit bricks. Realize you’re ignorant.

leave the ocean end open so it floods every now and then :slight_smile:

are you kidding me, everyone here came to America/ born in America to be free isent that what we fought so hard for in the revolutionary war? or any war across the the span of human existence? if you dont want fully auto or semi auto guns DONT BUY THEM… or better yet GTFO. plenty of other country for you to live in if you dont care for freedom…

So whats your point any semi auto firearms sold in NYS already has greater restrictions then the now out dated ban. You do realize that long guns are only registered in NYS when purchased from a firearms dealer right? Hell I know that rifles I’ve bought from members on this forum had been owned by atleast 4 people before. Even if you wanted to try and restrict ownership it’s just about impossible. Your entitled to your opinion, but what your talking about is completely impractical and unconstitutional.

Also AR platform rifles exist for many reason

  • they have good ergonomics and are easy to shoot
  • can easily be configured in many calibers
  • are a tryed and true reliable platform
  • they have a wide variety of parts and components easily availabl
    all of these things make them great sporting and hunting rifles

Either way there is probably no way to change your opinion just like there is no way to change mine.

The gun right fight.

  1. We need them to defend ourselves against a power hungry government.
    You don’t stand a chance if it did happen and the military would never follow those orders. Not going to happen.

  2. It’s in the constitution.
    That thing was written when muskets were all the rage.

  3. Then criminals would have them and not us.
    If the supply is gone its gone for all. Mexico gets its guns smuggled in from the US just to let you guys know. Plus the rapist are not coming to get you it’s a fantasy you will never have to be a hero.

  4. It’s for fun and sport.
    If think that hour of fun is worth the lives of your children if god forbid they were shot ether by accident or from an act of violence your wrong.

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Criminals in this county would totally not import their guns from somewhere else if that happened.


I don’t feel like more of a man. I bought and love AK47’s for the history of the gun, how they work, and what they represent. It gets everyone’s panties in a bunch when you say you own AK47’s and you’re not a convicted felon with an LA gang association.

You’re right, I don’t know what an “assault weapon” can do first hand. I don’t care to find out because I don’t intend to use it for that purpose. If you signed up to be in the military you accepted that fact from day one that you have a good chance of seeing life and limb lost.

I suppose the 2,000 assault weapons put into the black market by our own US government under operation Fast and Furious means nothing either? Or do we look the other way because our own ATF can’t responsibly keep track of weapons? Was it worth that border patrol agents life?

The Gun Control Fight

  1. They kill people.
    No matter who did the killing, it is the gun’s fault. We can’t blame the individual.

  2. Only cops and military should have guns.
    NYPD didn’t shoot those nine innocent people a few months ago, the guns did.

  3. If guns never existed, crimes would not exist.
    Who cares if that Chinese guy stabbed 22 kids in China while they were walking into school. Knives don’t kill people, guns do.

I’m not a wacko doomsday preper. I target shoot. I don’t have a hunting license. I don’t even know if I would shoot someone if they broke into my house because this country’s laws are so dicked.

If you’re a responsible gun owner your kids are safe. My dad had more guns in the house unlocked when I was small than was necessary. Somehow the guns never chased me around the house or fired randomly by act of god at their own will. If you educate your kids on guns and gun safety and make them realize they aren’t toys there is nothing to worry about.

The Liberal worlds view on reality.

I own a gun a 30-06 it’s bolt action and used for hunting only never loaded except when hunting. I’ve been hunting since I was 11. So I’m not scared at all. Plus I’ve ran 50 cal machine gun to M19 ranges I think I’m well qualified on safe operation and handling of firearms.

As for you brain buster.
In 2009 America had 9,000 gun deaths.
The UK a ban country had maybe 40.

I think per-capita it would be more like.
US 9000
UK 3000

Your right we need way more guns.

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Like I posted above there is no way to change your opinion just like there is no way to change mine or the other people that own firearms.

So if there is a complete ban on guns in the UK and even the police don’t carry them, why are people still getting killed?

How about Brazil?

35,000 firearm murders in 2008 (last known statistic year)
Less than 200,000,000 people.
18.1 firearm homicide rate per 100k people.
Banned most private firearm ownership.


9,100 firearm murders in 2009
Over 300,000,000 people
2.98 firearm homicide rate per 100k people.
Gun ownership is mostly free.

40 firearm murders in 2010
Under 8,000,000 people
.52 firearm homicide rate per 100k people.
Require firearm ownership for males 20-30. Also allows them to take home their legit assault rifles they use in the military.

Kennesaw, Georgia:
0 firearm murders (actually, murders in general) over the last 25 years.
30,000 people.
0 firearm homicide rate per 100k people
Consistently rated one of safest towns in US.
Requires every home to have a firearm (doesn’t matter type) for protection in case police don’t make it in time.

Great post, this won’t change anyone’s mind but its correct in every aspect in my opinion aswell. Buying a gun dosent make you any tougher or more safe in that case either.

Why did you purchase a gun from a pawn shop recently?