27 dead in school shooting

^ :crackup

Brazil is filled with narco trafficking = more violence then we will ever see.

Switzerland = they are required to do military service and gun safety is requirement. You train every us citizen how to handle and respect a weapon I’m good.

I don’t think Kennesaw, GA is a good statistic. I mean would you want that same law in Detroit? It would be anarchy

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Why would it be anarchy?

Until you find statistics to prove what I’m saying is wrong, you shouldn’t continue this argument.

I would LOVE for every US citizen to be trained in firearms, but lets be realistic, it’ll never happen. Our best bet as firearm owners is teach others proper safety, and continue spreading that. THAT will prevent more crime and stop accidental deaths better than any firearm laws will.

I’ve introduced about five people to shooting over the past two years, and at least one of them hated guns before then. Now they look forward to shooting.

I think he understands that I don’t want to ban all guns just certain types. You see my rifle only holds 3 rounds. An assault weapon can hold 20. If dude goes into a mall and start shooting what would you want him to have? It’s mitigating the risk of the potential for a higher casualty rate.

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There is no set capacity for any type of firearm. An M1A isn’t an “assault weapon” yet it can hold 20 rounds.

Lol wasn’t me it was a friend that I brought to Dave’s shop and he purchased and looked it up with state police and found an issue so he returned it. Fee free to verify with Dave.

I hate weapons in anyone other then law enforcement or military hands because they are often uneducated about the weapon and think its a cool item to own until something goes terribly wrong with it while cleaning or whatever.

Give me 5 10 round magazines and add the literal 2 seconds in for a quick mag change versus the 50 round magazine in my TEC9.

I press a button, magazine drops, new one slides in, release, round is chambered.

Outlaw everything but “sporting” rifles. Shot guns will still make a mess. Shooters move to sniper style shooting with bolt action rifles. How long did the DC Sniper terrorize that region, firing one shot each time?

Or should we factor in three 5 round magazines and double the people shooting to two?

If no one is armed and everyone is too scared to fight back then it doesn’t make a difference how many rounds you can hold.

Something going wrong while cleaning?

Have you ever shot or cleaned a firearm? If you aren’t absolutely stupid, you’ll never encounter any sort of issue with it while “cleaning or whatever.”

So much ignorance ITT.

Dude what did you do in the military. You definitely wernt combat arms. Your a moron and I bet you have only seen what assault rifles do to card board silhouettes. Go watch some more hellfires on YouTube. :Idiots


Often the uneducated gun owner is the one that will have an issue, such as preparing the gun for cleaning. If a gun can fire a round while disassembled you have other problems.

Maybe no one should support private sales or purchases or aid in them if they disapprove. Maybe that’s a larger issue than legal gun ownership?

I think no life lived without freedom is worth living. So I think by denying our freedom and these children’s freedoms you have already taken their life from them.

And what is wrong with owning a gun that is intended to kill people? Forget home invasions, forget hunting, and sport…the reason they even implemented the second amendment wasn’t for those things anyway. We need the second amendment more than ever. It exists to protect the people, and keep the power in the peoples hands, not the criminals or the government.

If you think of a gun as a Toy then you should get serious about this conversation because everyone else in here is. The problem here is that you think you have the right to take another man’s firearm away when you don’t. This right is not given to us by the constitution it is just protected by it. Government can’t give you freedom you are born with it, and it is out job to protect it even if pussies like you won’t.

EVERY friend of mine who has any military experience fully believes in a citizen’s right to own any firearm.

Commo guy. Well first I was in 11th Aviation 6-6 Air Cav. Then 10th Mountain 2-14 Infantry. Everywhere they went I went. You want to come read my DD214 and my combat action badge write up for when I took close fire from an RPG?

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That’s the best part about this country we are entitled to our personal views and do not have to follow the trends.

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^^^ umm that’s not a toy it’s a real protection device.

I’m a pussy cuz I don’t like assault weapons ? Ha ha ha ha ha. That’s awesome lets resort to calling me pussy.

I think we are having a healthy debate and it needs to be talked about in this country.

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Please someone give me one good reason you need an assault weapon that can’t be made up for with a hunting rifle, shotgun, or pistol?

Please a real reason not some bs about my rights.

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Because I fucking want one. :ohnoes


So Cossey is the only one I can say has brought good shit to my attention. C’mon dudes! Be like Cossey

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You were an attachment. Exactly what cossey said. Citizens have the right to own fire arms. And oh by the way im an actual Infantrymen not an attachment. :excited