
Lol awesome. Now you just need to make a picture of him in a tug of war with Obama fighting over the Oval Office while cuomo is standing on ny as a foot stool (and leaving dirty footprints in his wake)

This is the first good laugh I’ve had all week. You are the man!:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

Also, PLEASE lets try to keep this thread down to a minimum of just posting who’s IS GOING on saturday. I created this thread so that I can easily count heads so that when I am tallying up on other forums I can tell others how many I have grouped here.

UPDATE ON Albany Police Department force…

The APD is backing us 100%. The chief has stated that the APD will not hinder this event in any way and encourages all that come to spread out onto city property as we see fit. IF YOU HAVE A CARRY PERMIT, you are encouraged to carry. APD says you are within your rights and the law to do so. They say NO open carry9of course) and to NOT bring any long guns as that could be considered inciting.

Understand this…there is a shit ton of support and people going right now. remington arms will be there, Kathy M is speaking, McL will likely be there.

Please if you have nothing going on I urge to to help us!

I’ll be there

I may show up.

Please do Mike.

obv in.

I’ll be there, like I said on nyf. I will just meet you guys in the city though, I think.

I’ll PM you my cell number. Text me in the AM on Sat and just let me know. I’ve got people coming up from all over the damn state to meet up in the capitol.

Sounds good, I’ll see ya there

That is DJ not Mike (if you were thinking Allstar Tactical)

Mike is currently in Vegas for Shot Show and wont be back until next week or I know for sure he would come from Rochester.

And I should be there Sat.

Yea come on Adam get it straight… And DJ you better make it

I cant make it, but my parking pass is still up for grabs if anyone wants to car pool a group and have free, easy parking. Just ask me for it and come get it.

i think feb 22nd is the next event GW birth day

feb 9th is another rally pro gun

Let’s get a new sticky for the 28th rally.

Update OP w/ new date. Also, the President of the NRA will be there as well, so we should all be there showing support for them, the 2A, and gun right advocates across the state.

Lol beat me to it Chris. I was going to get to this sooner than later. thanks!

Gonna be there myself. Couldn’t make the 12th but the 28th i’m there for certain.

Yup I’ll be there with at least two others.

Can we please bring our guns this time? Adam, lets get our star symbol of support / non-compliance going